Ubuntu Hardy Heron - can't install Parallels Tools

Discussion in 'Linux Virtual Machine' started by cheesy, Mar 22, 2008.

  1. John@Parallels

    John@Parallels Forum Maven

    I answered in original thread
  2. jeremyd123

    jeremyd123 Bit poster

    This is still not working in Ubuntu.. There are no longer crashes where the screen is unusable, however I would like to see 3 things working that don't currently work: Screen Resizing via either the Ubuntu Menu or by resizing the window, right click and mouse scrolling. These 3 things currently do not work for me, and the features work fine in CentOS 5. Am I missing something? Perhaps using Feisty instead of Hardy I can get these features? I need a Debian based distro to work!! This broken behavior was not as advertised and I feel like my money was not well spent.
  3. John@Parallels

    John@Parallels Forum Maven

    It should work, from threads I can see that you are the first reporting this,I personally use Ubuntu 8.04
    Try to create new clean Vm
  4. jeremyd123

    jeremyd123 Bit poster

    Hi John,
    Thanks for the suggestion to re-install. While I had a rather fresh VM of 8.04 already, I'm guessing that too many different parallels-tools installations and manual mucking about in the xorg.conf had broken things .. The fresh install is now resizing the window, right clicking and scrolling! Woot!

    I apologize for the harsh remarks about 'money's worth', I hope that in the future Parallels Inc can pay a little more attention to their little brother linux. Thanks again for all the help and for keeping us all up to date on the forum.

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  6. John@Parallels

    John@Parallels Forum Maven

    Try to use ISO image instead
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  9. John@Parallels

    John@Parallels Forum Maven

    Try to start Parallels Desktop from Applications/Parallels/Parallels Desktop
    if there are problems try to reinstall Parallels Desktop as in http://kb.parallels.com/en/4790
    Also you can manually specify path to OS, instead of clicking button typing
    /Users/username/Desktop/ubuntu.iso (just example)
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  11. John@Parallels

    John@Parallels Forum Maven

    I suppose you are trying to install Ubuntu when Windows is running, may be you can stop it for the Ubuntu installation period?
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  13. Berknip

    Berknip Bit poster

    I can say from experience that running Fusion (V2) and Parallels on the same Mac is nearly impossible in default configuration at the same time. You can install both, run one at a time, but not both at once. One or the other will generate a kernel panic if they're both trying to run simultaneously.

    Also in the 'Run your Bootcamp as a VM' - I wouldn't do it if you are going to run Vista and have anything critical on your Bootcamp partition. The chances of Parallels messing it up is astronomically high. I have no experience on XP on Bootcamp.

    Just my 2 cents.
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  15. John@Parallels

    John@Parallels Forum Maven

    When you see Configuration Editor (XP in stopped state)
    select File -New
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  18. jmaass

    jmaass Bit poster

    Tick tock tick tock...

    Hi Parallels,

    I'm starting to get seriously pissed at your company. First the issues with XP SP3 (which I ran into when trying to upgrade my Bootcamp partition), then the Parallels Tools drama with Ubuntu Hardy Heron... How long have we been waiting for this now?

    Oh, did I mention that I do my company's bookkeeping on XP and your software flaw shut me out for about two months? I don't know how the IRS likes to not receive your tax statements, but I can tell you that the German tax authority doesn't give a c... about your computer problems. They want their numbers, and pronto...!

    And don't you dare point me to an interim release in English! Thanks to that, I had to set up Parallels Workstation again, since I use the German version, and unfortunately the English installer overwrites or at least does not accept the German license...

    Seriously: start to get your priorities straight and fix the problems of existing versions within this millenium, before you pump out a new major version. I at least will not spend a penny on V4 before I don't see a markedly improved performance of the Parallels product support team. I might spend some bucks on your competitor's product, though...

    Kind regards

    Jörg Maass
  19. John@Parallels

    John@Parallels Forum Maven

    Are you talking about Parallels Desktop or Parallels Workstation?
  20. jmaass

    jmaass Bit poster

    Parallels Desktop 3.0 Build 5608 German Version

    Hi John,

    thanks for the quick reply. I'm talking about Parallels Desktop 3.0 for Mac, Build 5608, German Version. Sorry for the typo. The build that corrects the Ubuntu problem has only been released in English, and users like me with a localized license can't use it.

    So, could you please make sure that either your licensing changes or that Build 5624 (I believe it was) is released in localized versions?

    Thanks in advance

    Jörg Maass
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2008

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