Just a question before I try this long way...
Did someone tried to go back to 10.4.X? Did this help recover the VM?
EDIT: It' working... this is the workaround !
Just to help the community, I reformatted an external hard drive and give this idea a trial.
After reinstalling Tiger, I was able to install this beta and start my VM. No apparent damages, no warning.
I updated the Parallels tools. Rebooted the VM in 10.4, verified that it worked and did a complete VM shut down.
I rebooted in 10.5 and voila... Parallels is back.
So the temporary work around is to have a 10.4 external hard disk or partition around.
This "adventure" gave e an opportunity to try Fusion again.
- I am still much more comfortable with Parallels !
- But I love the way vmware offers you to retrieve your serial number online.
In such situation restoring a full mail backup to find back my original Parallels 3 product keys was not funny.
I hope this experience could help other
Last edited: Nov 11, 2007