Unable to connect to Hard Disk 1

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by plazmyd, Nov 11, 2008.

  1. freelancing

    freelancing Bit poster

    persists even after upgrade to v. 5

    I followed the directions posted here by shutting down windows and going to the config panel. I am not running bootcamp, though. I see the parallels disk mounted on my mac desktop. I'm running Parallels full screen in a second display. I have no idea if that is part of the issue.

    I continue to get:

    Unable to access Hard Disk 1

    An error occurred when accessing the hard disk. Error ID: Input/output error.

    This is extremely frustrating as no matter how many times I click on "Ok," the error box keeps popping up. I want to scream. I thought that upgrading might help this and my copy/paste problems between Mac & Windows, but the only thing that has changed is $79 less in my pocket and some cute animations on start-up.
  2. ReidF

    ReidF Bit poster

    Same problem

    I all of a sudden started getting the "unable to access hard disk 1" message from my Windows 7 VM. I'm not using a boot camp partition. I tried resetting the permissions on the virtual drive and still no luck.

    Parallels, PLEASE RESPOND! This is very frustrating and I'm thinking about going back to Fusion. My problem report number is 3527449.
  3. I-che

    I-che Pro

  4. jdel2009

    jdel2009 Bit poster

    Same problem...

    Hi parallels,

    I am getting the same problem where it says "unable to access hard disk 1"...except it is crashing my mac as soon as i click start, which is really annoying me...

    Sent several serious error reports, here is the id of the latest one: 5134867

  5. I-che

    I-che Pro

    Hi jdel2009,
    please try to apply KB article, link to which I posted above.
  6. jdel2009

    jdel2009 Bit poster

    Tried that method, it said my virtual machine was corrupt... so i deleted it. Tried making a new one, parallels crashed my mac. Removed and reinstalled parallels and tried to make a new virtual machine... parallels crashed my mac.
  7. Bollie567

    Bollie567 Bit poster

    I have been working in Parallels a few days after eachother (without reboot from Windows, nor Mac OSX), I closed all apps, did a reboot and wanted to restart everything and got the message "unable to connect to hard disk one". I checked the size of my HDD (normally 30GB, expandable till 50GB), now is 30MB. The drive has been overwritten. I also have the 30GB extra free space on my hard drive.

    What has happened? How come this just disappeared? I need this hard drive (luckily have a backup, two weeks old so lost two weeks of work). How can I recover those two weeks of work and how can I prevent this from happening in the future?
    Report ID 6236250
  8. kunaalp

    kunaalp Bit poster

    Can you tell us what exactly you fixed and how ?
  9. Bollie567

    Bollie567 Bit poster

    There was nothing to fix...the HDD image was completely gone, I restored it with a backup file from 2 weeks before. Had a partial backup from 2 days before (files), so in the end I lost one day of work and needed another to restore everything. Question is how this can be prevented in the future! Still no reaction the report ID I posted.
  10. kirkw

    kirkw Bit poster

    In some cases I've seen this message arise as a result of permissions problems. I was receiving the same message after accessing my virtual machines from another user account on the mac. I solved it by opening a terminal window and executing the following command:

    sudo chmod -R og+rwx "Windows XP.pvm"

    you should substitute "Windows XP.pvm" with the filename of your virtual machine.
  11. Bryan12

    Bryan12 Bit poster

    Hi kirkw,

    I am getting similar error msgs trying to create a new bootcamp VM. Following the update my old boot camp VM failed to boot up, but I could boot into Bootcamp with no problems. I uninstalled Paralleles and re-installed and am trying to re-create my boot camp VM, but I keep getting an error where the bootcamp partition can't be performed, please make sure you have read and write permissions. Can I use the command you suggest on /volumes/bootcamp?
  12. kirkw

    kirkw Bit poster

    Hi Bryan12

    Unfortunately that will not work on your bootcamp partition. The OSX system is unix, and chmod is a unix command. The bootcamp partitions are still based on DOS commands.

    My problem has returned anyway, so my successful fix wasn't so successful after all. Back to the drawing board.
  13. outofcoffee

    outofcoffee Bit poster

    Same issue for me

    Issue report 7589808 on Parallels Desktop
  14. Bryan12

    Bryan12 Bit poster

    Hi Kirkw,

    Thanks for the info. It ultimately turned out to be an issue with the upgrade. Not sure what broke, but nothing I tried would fix the errors until I uninstalled the update and rolled back to 6.0.11828. After that, everything is working as it should. Seems that the latest update has some quirks in it that aren't really flushed out at the moment. I'll just stick with the old version that is working for now. Thx for your help.
  15. paolinoV

    paolinoV Bit poster

    Same Problem

    After 1 month using parallels, suddenly today I received the same message.
    I've tried to change the permissions, but I've already read and write for all files.
    I've tried to copy the .pvm file but I get the error that the file is corrupted.
    I've followed the KB article, but I can't mount the .hdd file with parallels mounter and I can't use the file as a second HDD in a new VM installation...

    Please I'm desperate... help me :(

  16. Bryan12

    Bryan12 Bit poster


    I'm not sure if you had a similar issue as what I was seeing. The solution for me was to revert back to an older version of Parallels. There was a string of releases that I had issues with, and only version 6.0.11828 would work for me on my iMac. I've since removed parallels from my iMac altogether, however I do have the latest release on my macbook with Lion with no issues. It seems to work well enough for what I need.

    You should provide us with a bit more information, what version parallels are you using? did you upgrade recently? what is your mac os version, SL or Lion? I have been seeing some issues with Lion just in general, but not sure what the status of your machine is.

    Your best bet is to submit a support ticket directly to Parallels with all the information you can provide so that an tech can be assigned to your issue.
  17. paolinoV

    paolinoV Bit poster

    I've tried to install the latest version, the 6.012094 on my Mac book Pro 10.6.8 (sow Leopard), but nothing changes.
    I've asked the support for help. The report ID is 9910293 and the ticket number 1196373
  18. Bryan12

    Bryan12 Bit poster


    Did the update cause the error, i.e., it worked fine, then you updated, and now you have an issue? If that is the case, (which is how it happened with me), you could roll-back to the previous version that worked if you save your install files. If not support may be able to said you an older version. I'd wait and see what they suggest once they get your report. Good luck.
  19. paolinoV

    paolinoV Bit poster

    Unfortunatly I had the problem suddenly today! Yesterday everything was fine!
    I tried to update today after having the issue, trying to solve it :(
    For me, the most important thing is to rescue all the datas in the .hdd file 'cause I have work datas, but I can't mount the disk as a second disk in a new VM (says it's corrupted) and I can't load the disk with the Parallels Mounter (the file is not supported!??!)
  20. Bryan12

    Bryan12 Bit poster

    Not sure what I can do to help. I'm assuming you don't have that data backed up anywhere? Do you use time machine at all? You could try and pull out the VM file from time machine and see if that helps. I'm not sure how or even if you can as I've never tried. I would search the apple discussion forums for parallels and time machine and see if there is someone who knows more there. Other than that, I'd wait until support gets back to you.

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