Unable to get my license to activate on a new Mac

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by MichaelR76, Jan 22, 2022.

  1. MichaelR76

    MichaelR76 Bit poster

    I have a Parallels Desktop for Mac Subscription and am trying to activate the license on my new MacBook Pro - M1 Pro. I followed the instructions for activating on the new Mac for moving the license but I do not have the option to Activate on the window. This is what it states: "This license has reached its activation limit and can no longer be used to activate new product copies." My only options are "OK" or "Buy a new license"
    How can I move my license to my new Mac?
  2. DebasmitaM

    DebasmitaM Forum Maven

    Hi, we have sent you a private message. Kindly check and response.

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