Hi, I'm totally unable to install Parallels-Tools on debian 12. First research seemed to indicate that Parallels would not be able to work with wayland. Further research suggested to use debian live mate (suggested to be able to be used in Parallels). After tons of trials and further research upgrade Parallels version. Then after even that failed, upgraded to Parallels 18 - I'm on Catalina, running Parallels Desktop 18.3.1 (53614) - adding myself to sudoers does seem to work - but then issuing /media/cdrom0/./install is not allowed (no permission) - su to root and permission not allowed either I don't know what to do anymore? Any help or pointer much appreciated!
Usually, I copy the content of the "cdrom" before executing it : cp -R /media/cdrom0 /tmp chmod +x /tmp/install sudo /tmp/install
Thanks for replying, I already found that cure too. I find it hard to imagine that this problem seems to be around at least since 2016 and that Parallels Co. has not remedied or at least taken it into their documentation / help. Thanks anyway!
The reason this happens is that the default for mounted filesystems in newer versions of linux is using the noexec flag. This flag prevents executing files stored on the filesystem. To fix this either copy everything to a filesystem not mounted with the noexec option or remount the filesystem with the exec flag.
follow this link, it solved my problem: https://forum.parallels.com/threads/failed-to-install-parallels-tools-on-ubuntu-20-04-arm.360787/