"Unable to load the Parallels driver"

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by phawleyjr111, Jul 25, 2011.

  1. phawleyjr111

    phawleyjr111 Bit poster

    I use Parallels 5 (latest build 5.0.9376) on an iMac with newly installed Lion OS. For the first several days after I installed the Lion OS, my Parallels worked fine. But this morning, no luck. When I try to open Parallels, I get this error message "Unable to load the Parallels Driver. Restart your mac and try again." I did, but doing so did not help. I still get the same error message.

    I purchased Parallels 5 a year or more ago as a download, so I don't have the option to reinstall because I don't have an installation CD.

    Can someone please help me.

  2. klangmeister

    klangmeister Bit poster


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