Unable to start Linux Virtual Machine

Discussion in 'Linux Virtual Machine' started by GiriSf, Oct 22, 2012.

  1. GiriSf

    GiriSf Bit poster

    After upgrading Fedora 17 from the 3.5.x kernel to 3.6.x kernel, the guest VM will no longer boot in Parallels Desktop
  2. ChadM

    ChadM Junior Member

    Same issue here. I just uploaded case ID 19332642.
  3. jkennedy

    jkennedy Bit poster

    It isn't just fedora, nor is it any 3.6.x kernel. Not sure exactly what the cutoff is, but I made it a few versions past F18's 3.6.0-0.rc2 before it stops working. F17 did something similar when it hit 3.6.x, but they skipped over versions that might have worked. On F17, 3.5.6-1 has been stable for me, but no love ~3.6.5-1 or so.

    Note that I've been able to compile a few 3.7.0-rc candidates (at least into rc2) and boot, but those were outside any Fedora distribution (and text only).

    [Note: 8.0.18314 on a macbook air has the issue, the same version on an iMac doesn't seem to have problems.]
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2012
  4. ChadM

    ChadM Junior Member

    Parallels needs to get with the game. All of this stuff just works on VMWare Fusion. Did the Parallels engineering team fall off the face of the planet trying to support Windows 8 (something no one cares about)?
  5. juzci

    juzci Guest

    thank you for your feedback. We know about this issue and investingating it.

  6. Daemoen

    Daemoen Bit poster

    Last I checked, Parallels swears "Full Fedora 17 support" "Full Ubuntu latest support".... And the most recent check I can see says you guys are unable to support either of them right now, and haven't been able to for quite some time.... SO... When can we expect a REAL resolution to a product we PAID for in order to run features you ASSURED us were available (via your own statements, on your own public facing website)
  7. cdrcsu

    cdrcsu Bit poster

    Red Hat - NMI received for unknown reason

    Hi Hanna, I just upgraded Parallels from 6 to 8, running Mac OX 10.7.5. My redhat VM (5.3) is failing to start properly. Receiving a "NMI received for unknown reason 21 (or 31)". This is a non-maskable interrupt? Looks like the Parallels version 8 is picking something up that was being dropped by the Parallels version 6 kernel.

    The RH will generally boot all the way up but then crash before I can run the "Parallels Linux Update".


    (W7 VM came up fine)

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