Unable to update Parallels Tool on Centos 7.0 linux after the most recent update of parallels desktop i am prompted to update parallels tools upon update parallels tools stalls out at 32% and stays there I have also tried to cancel and start the update from action fortunately i have a copy of my image file from before because it corrupts the gnome from starting if i power off the virtual machine Details: CentOS Linux release 7.2.1511 (Core) Anyone have any idea how to resolve the issue or how to try to update parallels tools on cento from the command line
Hello JefferyL2, Please follow steps suggested at http://kb.parallels.com/121370 to install Parallels tools manually.
Thank you Manu. Although the update took 30 minutes it worked. Seemed to be some sort of issue with the GUI as it was unsuccessful starting the terminal within gnome however by using ssh and running the update the update did indeed complete.