uninstall after windows update crash

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by JamesG16, Sep 16, 2017.

  1. JamesG16

    JamesG16 Bit poster

    I want to uninstall Windows 10 from my Mac and have so far followed the steps:
    Control Centre > Remove to remove the virtual machine.
    however, does this action uninstall Windows and the applications that were installed as the process happened very quickly.
    Are there any other actions I should be taking so that I can completely remove everything to do with Windows from macOS?
  2. Arun@Parallels

    Arun@Parallels Parallels Support

    Hi @JamesG16 , please search for Windows Application folder in Spotlight search and delete it .
  3. JamesG16

    JamesG16 Bit poster

    Thanks Arun,
    I'm unable to locate a folder titled Windows Application through Spotlight, or any other Windows related folders. Windows did crash during an update and left me with just the shell that I could boot but was not complete, could that be a complication at all do you know?
    Do you also know how I could retrieve my Windows license key? I couldn't reboot Windows fully after the update failed so simply removed it.
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2017
  4. Alfena@Parallels

    Alfena@Parallels Pro

    Hello @JamesG16 ,

    When you go to Control Centre > Remove to remove the virtual machine, it will provide you two options 1)Keep Files 2)Move to trash
    a) If you have selected Keep files , then it means that you wish to access the files from this virtual machine later. The virtual machine will be removed from the list, but it will remain in its original location.
    b)If you have selected Move to Trash, then it means that you do not need any data from this virtual machine and want to erase it completely.

    Since you are unable to locate the Windows .pvm file from spotlight search, I believe you have selected Move to trash which deleted your Windows files.
    Please refer http://kb.parallels.com/4729 to install Windows virtual machine and please contact Microsoft Support to retrieve Windows license key.


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