Hello, I have Parallels Desktop version 7, running on an Intel iMac, running Lion. I downloaded a "Turnkey Drupal 7" appliance and installed it. It's been booting and working great for several months. Sometime between the last time I booted and worked in it (around Feb 4th) and now; it has stopped booting. Unfortunately, I am not the only user of this iMac; however I am the only user of this Parallel's VM. So I do not know if another user made a change to the OS that could be affecting my VM's ability to boot. The VM starts to boot and eventually stops with a message "unknown filesystem type 'prl_fs'. I've attached a screen shot of the Parallels console at the point it hangs. I've tried going into Grub and trying to boot into single user mode, to see if I could maybe edit the fstab and comment out the fs that it's trying to check/mount here; but apparently this hang is early enough on, that I'm never getting to a prompt for the root pw in single user mode. I'm out of ideas for how to fix or troubleshoot this... Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. -Monte
Dear Monte, the /media/psf seems to be the mountpoint where the virtual box wants to mount some of the directories of your main system. This only happens when you share the file systems on both machines. Therefore I suggest to disable in the configuration menu "Security--Isolate Mac from Linux" so that this is not mounted and have a look if the virtual box is booting. Regards Dietrich