Unstable Shared Folder

Discussion in 'Linux Virtual Machine' started by MikkoL, Jul 13, 2011.

  1. MikkoL

    MikkoL Bit poster

    I've used Parallels 6 + Ubuntu Maverick for quite long successfully, but since upgrade to Natty, alongside with the update to parallels tools to support it, I've gotten problems with my use of Shared Folders.

    I got in to habit of developing on my mac side editor, and then doing test compiles on the linux side, through the shared folder, and it worked perfectly. But after upgrading, I've experienced a regression, with messages like these:
    Doing a `find .` in the same directory sometimes results in:
    So, the workflow I got accustomed to isn't usable at all.

    I have tried removing and reinstalling Parallels Tools.
  2. Sergio Castro

    Sergio Castro Bit poster

    similar "Stale NFS file handle" problem

    I also have a similar problem with Parallels 6 and my Ubuntu virtual machine. In my case I am editing files located in my mac shared folder, using Eclipse from Ubuntu (I am using one plugin that only works fine in Ubuntu). In certain cases I am getting the Stale NFS file handle error message when I try to create/delete files from Ubuntu.

    thanks for any help,

  3. gavbaa

    gavbaa Bit poster

    Seeing the same behavior in Natty as both above have said, even after the most recent patch that I pulled down a couple hours ago.
  4. blimbo

    blimbo Bit poster

    Same problem for me, also with most recent patch.
  5. MikkoL

    MikkoL Bit poster

    Still seeing stale nfs handles with latest update

    Build 6.0.12094
    (Revision 676494; July 13, 2011)
  6. JacobM

    JacobM Bit poster

    I'm having the same problem. Anyone got a solution laying around?
  7. gavbaa

    gavbaa Bit poster

    Sadly, this is still happening in Parallels 7 for me. :(
  8. JacobM

    JacobM Bit poster

    What's the status on this Parallels? I use Parallels Desktop for work daily so this is a big issue for me.
  9. snyderpa

    snyderpa Bit poster

    Another Vote

    I am here with the same problem.
  10. seansulli

    seansulli Bit poster

    Please fix

    I too have been experiencing this issue consistently since updating to Ubuntu 11.04

    When I run an ls -l on a directory accessed across the share, I get:

    ls: cannot access image.jpg: Stale NFS file handle
    total 0
    drwxrwxrwx 1 root root 306 2011-10-17 21:18 ./
    drwxrwxrwx 1 root root 204 2011-07-07 22:10 ../
    ?????????? ? ? ? ? ? image.jpg
  11. same here.....

    Moved from VMWare to Parallels but not too happy about it. I have the exact same issues with the shared directory and NFS stale handles.
  12. JacobM

    JacobM Bit poster

    Just upgraded to 7.0 and still have the same problem......
  13. firstn

    firstn Bit poster

    NFS Handle Stale

    Just updated to 7.0.15050 and same problem with Linux Ubuntu/Fedora (NFS handle stale).
  14. cthulhu5

    cthulhu5 Bit poster

    Seven months, still a bug

    Same issue, "File system loop detected" in 7.0.15054. Tried to open a ticket to ask for help, but they just closed it and said a ticket is not needed. It was unclear if they intended to work on the issue, as they never acknowledged it as a problem in any way.

    In the mean time, shared folders are remain essentially unusable.

    I've looked at alternatives ranging from CIFS/Samba to NFS, but nothing seems to work that well in a mobile environment without a good deal of time on the command line each time I need to start working.

    It's been seven months, I think we can assume they just gave up, so anyone have a good alternative to recommend? I have had good lunch with SSHFS on the Linux side.

    Last edited: Feb 14, 2012
  15. Noupimic

    Noupimic Bit poster

    Workaround corrupted filesystem prl_fs "file system loop detected"

    This "File system loop detected" problem is something that affects any user (so don't be looking at your personal configuration; it won't help). I managed to get a ticket for this with Parallel's support, but once it was recognized as a problem that the front-line support could not fix, they marked it as "resolved" and said that they had passed it on to the their development team... (so, not really "resolved").

    But, some of us cannot wait for the Parallel's development team to fix bugs, so we have to look for alternative ways to share files between the host MacOS machine and a guest VM. The easiest way is to use NFS. It might not provide rapid access to the files, but it works (no more file system loops).

    On the host MacOS machine, create a file /etc/exports containing the following:

    /Users -alldirs -mapall=501:20 -network -mask
    /Users -alldirs -mapall=501:20 -network -mask

    The IP addresses after the network option are those of the subnets defined for shared and host-only connections. You can find your values in Parallels Desktop, Preferences..., Advanced, Network: Change settings..., see Subnet: value.
    Access to shared files is thus limited to the subnets of your virtual machines, which should address any security issues for the majority of us.

    Once the /etc/exports file has been created, just reboot the machine. It's the easiest way to get the nfs server up and running.

    For an Ubuntu guest VM, edit the /etc/fstab file, adding the following: /mnt/host nfs auto,sync,noatime,nosuid,exec,nodev 0 0

    where the 'macosUserName' and the IP address of the host machine in your local subnet (here is to be changed to your needs (replace the final .0 of the subnet IP with .2)

    sudo mkdir /mnt/host
    sudo mount /mnt/host

    and you're done.

    find /mnt/host -name "toto" -print
    Ouuh, that's nice, it works.

    Note NFS is supported only by some editions of Windows (win7 enterprise edition and above).

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