It has to do with docking the different tool palletes.
I personally LIVE in SQL, and end up moving those around all the time in order to get the most out of whatever it is i'm doing at that time, and if you try to move any of them around at all it stops responding completely. This is a bug that is new in 5160, and was introduced in either the last beta or the Release Candidate phase. Before that, this bug didn't exist. Admittedly, the earlier beta's actually had better Coherence performance then the current GM build, and didn't have the bugs in VS that we have now.
It really isn't bigger then that, but it's enough so where I've moved all my development work over to VMWare Fusion where VS will function just fine without any issues. I simply don't have the patience to deal with the VS problem considering the amount of time I spend in VS, and the problems I'd have if I have to kill VS because it's locked up, because I forgot about the bug and the entire application stops functioning. I can't afford to lose my work over this kind of bug.
Last edited: Sep 27, 2007