Upgraded from intel mac to Apple Silicon M2 cant use Parallels

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop on a Mac with Apple silicon' started by Sharun, Aug 20, 2024.

  1. Sharun

    Sharun Bit poster

    I upgraded my computer, and now I cannot launch my Parallel desktop. My license is still active (I confirmed on the website). When I try to launch it, I am prompted to download a new windows but I get an error: The folder users/mac/Parallels used to store the virtual machines is not available.
    This folder is not available on my new apple silicon computer. What can I do to change the directory where Parallels stores the VMs?
  2. LeRoi

    LeRoi Hunter

    Parallels virtual machines are stored in Macintosh HD/Users/<your login name>/Parallels. As a first step, I'd download and reinstall Parallels. You've changed the CPU architecture from Intel X64 to Apple M2 ARM. M2 uses a program (Rosetta) to attempt to interpret X64 based programs to allow them to run under ARM but isn't always very successful.
    SamS4 likes this.
  3. Sharun

    Sharun Bit poster

    Thanks for your reply. I have completed that step. When I launch the parallels deskop, it says:
    "Windows 10" cannot be started because it contains an Intel-based operating system. Such systems are not compatible with Mac computers equipped with the Apple M series chip.
    Screenshot 2024-08-22 at 10.34.45 AM.png
    To continue using Windows 10 and its applications. on this Mac, please click the button below and create a virtual machine with an ARM-based installation of Windows
    Screenshot 2024-08-22 at 10.35.09 AM.png
    When I click Create New, it prompts me to download Windows 11. When I click install, I get this error, (This was the folder location on my old computer)
    Screenshot 2024-08-22 at 10.35.46 AM.png
  4. LeRoi

    LeRoi Hunter

    As a quick test, see if the Windows11.pvm is in the path I mentioned above. In other words, find the new .PVM file. Right-click on it and select Run. That (may) solve your problem as Parallels normally looks for the .PVM file in the above path.
  5. SamS4

    SamS4 Hunter

    It sounds to me like you're trying to launch a VM that you ran on an Intel silicon Mac on a new Apple Silicon Mac. If that's the case, please know it won't work. The only virtual machine that will run under Apple Silicon is one that is using the latest ARM based version of Windows 11.

    There is no backward compatibility with Intel virtual machines.
  6. Sharun

    Sharun Bit poster

    I do not have Windows 11.pvm I do have Windows 10.pvm

    Screenshot 2024-08-23 at 11.25.20 AM.png
  7. SamS4

    SamS4 Hunter

    Windows 10 does not run on an Apple Silicon Mac. You'll need to build a new VM using Windows 11.
  8. LeRoi

    LeRoi Hunter

    Did you do a Windows 11 install using Parallels? If successful, you should have a Windows 11 PVM file in Macintosh HD/Users/<your personal directory>/Parallels. As stated by SamS4 avove, unless you have the ARM version of Windows 10 installed, it will not run on an Apple M series CPU.

    What is the path for the Parallels Windows 10 PVM that you have currently and can you do a quick Finder check in your users directory to see if there's a Parallels directory, and if so, what does it contain?
  9. Sharun

    Sharun Bit poster

    Right, but when I try to download Windows 11, I get this error : Screenshot 2024-08-20 at 8.34.50 AM.png
    And it does not download Windows 11.
  10. Sharun

    Sharun Bit poster

    I think I just figured it out. In my preferences, there is an option to change the directory where the VMs are stored. I updated it to the right one, and now I can download Windows 11. Thank you everyone that tried to help, I appreciate it.
    Screenshot 2024-08-26 at 10.55.57 AM.png

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