USB device problem since upgrade to Parallels 11

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by GabrielLogan, Oct 5, 2015.

  1. GabrielLogan

    GabrielLogan Bit poster


    I have a problem since the upgrade on Parallels 11.
    I made the test on two separate MacBook.
    I use Tuxera, and I also try with Paragon (but I don't if there is a link).

    So, when I start Parallels, even it's only the main application (no OS guest), my mac doesn't connect my hard drive to my mac.
    I can start my W7 virtual machine, then click on device, select my hard drive, which is well connected to the virtual machine. But if I deconnect it from W7, it doesn't appear on my mac.
    I disconnect my hard drive, close the virtual machine, close the main application Parallels and then connect my hard drive, it is well connected to my mac.
    I made a lot of test, modified the options (connect to my mac, to virtual machine or ask when plugging a USB device), but it is always the same thing.
    I uninstall Parallels 11 and try on Parallels 10 and it works well. Same test with Parallels 11 on an other mac, same problem. I think it's a bug, maybe link to Paragon/Tuxera. But I'm not sure because there is the same problem with a FAT32 USB stick.

    MacBook Pro mi-2014 with El Capitan.

    Thank's for your help.
    4ndrea R3 likes this.
  2. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    Hi, in order to investigate the issue could you please generate the problem report using this KB right after the reproducing of the issue.
    Please reply us back with the report ID.
  3. GabrielLogan

    GabrielLogan Bit poster

    Thank's for your reply.
    But there is no issue in Parallels Desktop.
    The issues is on my mac, when Parallels Desktop is running (either the main application or a virtual machine), my mac doesn't connect the external hard drive (it doesn't appear on the mac desktop). Even if the virtual machine is closed, even if I choose "Always connect to my mac".
  4. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    Thanks a lot for sharing this info.
    Please let us know if you have any additional questions.
  5. GabrielL1

    GabrielL1 Junior Member

    I have made some test and I confirm, the problem it's only link to NTFS device.
    I use Tuxera on El Capitan.
    When Parallels is started, the device can not be mounted on the mac. No problem on the virtual machine.
  6. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    And when you didn't start Parallels Desktop, does the device mount to Mac?
  7. GabrielL1

    GabrielL1 Junior Member

  8. GabrielL1

    GabrielL1 Junior Member

    Problem doesn't solved on 11.1.0 (32202)...
  9. PaulChristopher@Parallels

    PaulChristopher@Parallels Product Expert Staff Member

    Hello GabrielL1, you may try this article to fix USB connection issue in Windows virtual machine.
  10. GabrielLogan

    GabrielLogan Bit poster

    Thank's but it's not the problem.
    Il will try to explain clearly the problem (as before on my previous post).

    The problem is about NTFS USB key (only NTFS). I use Paragon to be able to write on USB key or hard drive. I try also with Tuxera and this is the same problem.

    1. Parallels doesn't run. I connect my USB key and everything is ok, it is mounted automatically on my mac.
    2. I remove my key, start Parallels without starting a virtual machine, and then connect my USB key. Then the USB key is not autmatically mounted on the mac. I have to go in the Paragon prefpane to mount it manually.

    I think there is a conflict between Parallels and Paragon. Parallels disable the auto mounted feature for NTFS device (I tried with several USB key or hard drive NTFS).
  11. GabrielL1

    GabrielL1 Junior Member

    The problem is not really solved on the 32312 version. Now, the NTFS device is showing as mounted in Paragonprefpane but it doesn't appear on the mac desktop. I have to click on "unmount" and then "mount" (in paragonprefpane) again to access to it.
  12. Elizabeth Anderson

    Elizabeth Anderson Member

  13. GabrielLogan

    GabrielLogan Bit poster


    Thank you for your answer but please, read the thread since the begining.
    It is a bug of Paralells and not just a basic question which has a solution in the settings of Paralells.

    So, I have made some tests. In fact, as describe on the changelog of the last version 32312, the bug is fixed but not completly.
    Consider that for these tests, I have started Paralells but not launch virtual machine.
    If I connect a NTFS USB Key when Parallels is running, it's ok, the key is now well mounted and appears on the desktop of the mac (this bug have been corrected thank's to this new version 32312).
    It's remain a problem with my hard drive. My hard drive have two partitions, one NTFS and one HFS. When I connect my hard drive, the HFS is well mounted (it appears in the finder and on the Mac desktop) but not the NTFS (it doesn't appear in the finder and neither on the Mac desktop). However, in the Paragonprefpane, both NTFS and HFS appear as mounted... I have to unmount the NTFS and mount it again so as to the NTFS appears in the finder and on the desktop of the Mac.

    Thank's for your help.
    4ndrea R3 likes this.
  14. 4ndrea R3

    4ndrea R3 Bit poster

    Hi GabrielLogan!
    I have the same problem!!
    The problem isn't resolved with the last Parallels 11 update!! (I have v. 11.1.1 32312)
    I haven't Paragon but TUXERA NTFS, but the issue persist also if I remove TUXERA NTFS...!

    - So, like you, if I launch Paralles but don't start any virtual machines... all works fine... Connecting my NTFS USB drive the icon appear on the desktop.
    - After that I start the Virtual Machine (Windows 10 - 64 bits) and try to connect my USB device with the "Device -> External Devices" parallels MENU... But clicking on the usb device name Windows 10 doesn't recognise anything (no new device connected) and from this moment OSX can't see USB device in any way...(no icon on desktop).... Searching better I find that stopping virtual machine (stopping Windows 10) the folder /Volumes/.. on my Mac contain the USB drive and I can navigate my disk folder... but the device icon desn't appear on my Mac desktop and Paralles not recognise the device...I can't reconnect the usb device to my Windows 10 if I restart the virtual Machine... The only way is to RESTART MY MAC......!!!!

    I try to contact Paralles Support but the response is very sense!!
    Someone can help me? The issue is particularly serious!!!
    Thank You
  15. 4ndrea R3

    4ndrea R3 Bit poster

    Hi have these 2 LOGS (from osx system.log):

    1 - Paralles NOT RUNNING:

    Dec 11 19:47:43 Andreas-MacBook-Pro kernel[0]: USBMSC Identifier (non-unique): 00000000000000000000 0x174c 0x5136 0x1, 2
    Dec 11 19:47:49 Andreas-MacBook-Pro kernel[0]: TUFS: starting (version 2015.6.24, x86_64 (10.6+), built Jun 24 2015, 14:25:50)
    Dec 11 19:47:50 Andreas-MacBook-Pro tuxera_ntfs[938]: Version 2015 (Sep 29 2015 21:42:20) external FUSE 27
    Dec 11 19:47:50 Andreas-MacBook-Pro tuxera_ntfs[938]: Mounted /dev/rdisk2s1 (Read-Write, label "WRK 750", NTFS 3.1)
    Dec 11 19:47:50 Andreas-MacBook-Pro tuxera_ntfs[938]: Cmdline options: recover,cbcio,sfmconv,streams_interface=openxattr,native_xattr,nfconv,aligned_io,fstypename=txantfs,fssubtype=0,iosize=1048576,local,nodev,noowners,nosuid,adaptiveuid,adaptivegid
    Dec 11 19:47:50 Andreas-MacBook-Pro tuxera_ntfs[938]: Mount options: native_xattr,fstypename=txantfs,fssubtype=0,iosize=1048576,local,nodev,noowners,nosuid,allow_other,nonempty,relatime,fsname=/dev/disk2s1,volname=WRK 750
    Dec 11 19:47:50 Andreas-MacBook-Pro tuxera_ntfs[938]: License: Valid.
    Dec 11 19:47:50 Andreas-MacBook-Pro tuxera_ntfs[938]: Ownership and permissions disabled, configuration type 1
    Dec 11 19:47:50 Andreas-MacBook-Pro mds[63]: (Volume.Normal:2464) volume:0x7fe98d800000 ********** Bootstrapped Creating a default store:1 SpotLoc:(null) SpotVerLoc:(null) occlude:0 /Volumes/WRK 750
    Dec 11 19:47:50 Andreas-MacBook-Pro fseventsd[49]: could not open <</Volumes/WRK 750/.fseventsd/fseventsd-uuid>> (No such file or directory)
    Dec 11 19:47:50 Andreas-MacBook-Pro fseventsd[49]: Failed to load UUID. Removing all old log files in /Volumes/WRK 750/.fseventsd
    Dec 11 19:47:50 Andreas-MacBook-Pro fseventsd[49]: log dir: /Volumes/WRK 750/.fseventsd getting new uuid: 4FA91BFF-D3EE-4558-9CAE-9728F5AFF8A0

    2 - Parallels RUNNING:
    Dec 11 19:51:54 Andreas-MacBook-Pro tuxera_ntfs[3287]: Version 2015 (Sep 29 2015 21:42:20) external FUSE 27
    Dec 11 19:51:54 Andreas-MacBook-Pro tuxera_ntfs[3287]: Mounted /dev/rdisk2s1 (Read-Write, label "WRK 750", NTFS 3.1)
    Dec 11 19:51:54 Andreas-MacBook-Pro tuxera_ntfs[3287]: Cmdline options: recover,cbcio,sfmconv,streams_interface=openxattr,native_xattr,nfconv,aligned_io,fstypename=txantfs,fssubtype=0,iosize=1048576,local,nodev,noowners,nosuid,nobrowse,adaptiveuid,adaptivegid
    Dec 11 19:51:54 Andreas-MacBook-Pro tuxera_ntfs[3287]: Mount options: native_xattr,fstypename=txantfs,fssubtype=0,iosize=1048576,local,nodev,noowners,nosuid,nobrowse,allow_other,nonempty,relatime,fsname=/dev/disk2s1,volname=WRK 750
    Dec 11 19:51:54 Andreas-MacBook-Pro tuxera_ntfs[3287]: License: Valid.
    Dec 11 19:51:54 Andreas-MacBook-Pro tuxera_ntfs[3287]: Ownership and permissions disabled, configuration type 1
    Dec 11 19:51:54 Andreas-MacBook-Pro mds[63]: (Volume.Normal:2464) volume:0x7fe98f04fa00 ********** Bootstrapped Creating a default store:0 SpotLoc:(null) SpotVerLoc:(null) occlude:0 /Volumes/WRK 750
    Dec 11 19:51:54 Andreas-MacBook-Pro mds[63]: (LSOF.Error:244) File '/Volumes/WRK 750' (fd=12) left open on device 771751942


    I think that the error shoul be from this line:
    Andreas-MacBook-Pro mds[63]: (LSOF.Error:244) File '/Volumes/WRK 750' (fd=12) left open on device 771751942

    But I have no File left open on device..... ?!?!?!
    With Paralles started there is no way to mount my USB disk volume... Connecting to Windows PC it work fine... (Also performing disk check)...
    I hope this can help...
  16. PaulChristopher@Parallels

    PaulChristopher@Parallels Product Expert Staff Member

    Hi All, Please follow the steps mentioned below to fix the issue USB issue.
    1. Connect USB device to virtual machine and create problem report (Actions > Send Technical Data) and save the ID.
    2. Shut down your virtual machine.
    3. Unplug all possible USB devices from host.
    4. Turn off shared camera, shared Bluetooth, shared printers:
    - Open virtual machine settings ( ) > Hardware > USB & Bluetooth > Be sure that Automatic sharing of Web cameras and Bluetooth devices is unchecked.
    5. Go to the Boot Order tab > Boot Flags and type the following flags:
    devices.usb.keyboard=0; devices.usb.mouse=0
    6. Start virtual machine and check how it works.
  17. 4ndrea R3

    4ndrea R3 Bit poster

    Ok, thank you...
    - I have re-installed Parallels Desktop 11
    - I started Windows 10 Guest
    - I connected my USB external drive
    - Parallels ask me where to connect my USB device
    - I choose Windows 10 but nothing happened...USB drive doesn't appear in Windows 10
    - At this time I send Technical Data with ID 83345950
    - Now also from the Parallels Menu "DEVICE -> External Devices" the USB drive disappear...remain only bluetooth, Facetime, internal keyboard and IR (see image)


    - I can't reconnect my external USB drive in any way...!
    - Also if I stop VM the USB drive isn't reachable from my Host Mac..

    You can see attached image to understand that the USB Drive is connected to my Mac, and not to Windows 10... but it is not accessible in any way... (There is no icon on my Mac).

    Schermata 2015-12-12 alle 17.28.20.png

    Schermata 2015-12-12 alle 17.28.57.png

    I have to restart my Mac to access my external drive...
    Now I try your way...Nothing happend using your Boot Flags: devices.usb.keyboard=0; devices.usb.mouse=0

    What I have to do?

    Another thing....
    If I list my /Volumes/ directory... This contain my internal drive (SSD 512GB) and ALSO THE EXTERNAL USB DRIVE !!!! (WRK 750)


    What I have to do? If i don't run Parallels all work fine... I have tryed also uninstalling Tuxera NTFS driver.
    Thank You
    Andrea Re
  18. Julian1

    Julian1 Junior Member

    I now have the same/similar problem (MacBook with El Capitan, Parallels 11.1.1)
    - a USB Device is connected to the MAC (Fat32) and visible there. (I do not have a NTFS MAC driver installed.)
    - I start the virtual machine (Parallels 11)
    - while starting the machine I select Device/External Device/my_USB_drive
    - When Windows is started the USB device is not connected on the MAC side anymore, and is it also gone from Device/External Device/....
    I have to unplug it and replug it to link it to the virtual machine.

    Why is a device always ejected when Parallels tries to "move" it from OSX to the virtual machine (and back)?

    I also notice that the device, when it was mounted in the virtual machine, is ejected when the virtual machine is shutting down. It is not visible to OSX until I unplug it and replug it.

    To be able to mount it in Windows I have to plug it in, when I am already logged it. It does not work on the login screen.

    I think the problem was not there in the initial version 11, I just noticed it recently.
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2015
  19. SvenA1

    SvenA1 Bit poster

    Count me in for this issue as well, after the latest OS X upgrade (10.11.12) and Parallels (11.1.1), all USB connected devices; -or have to be disconnected several times before recognized or don't work at all (my eID reader). Before starting the Virtual Machine all USB devices are visible and working on the Mac, after starting and trying to connect in the Virtual Machine not anymore... The solution of changing boot flag doesn't work either. I've recreated a new virtual machine but same problems resist ... I've issued technical data with ID 83399271 - now I'm back on a physical Windows machine as the software I use with the USB devices is production software !!
  20. PaulChristopher@Parallels

    PaulChristopher@Parallels Product Expert Staff Member

    Hi All, I would like to let you know that we have already involved our Development in this case and they are currently working on the resolution.

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