USB Devices NOT Working!!!

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by junketer, Jun 4, 2007.

  1. junketer

    junketer Junior Member

    Ok, i'm getting really annoyed now! I've been trying for days now to get my HP PSC 750 printer to work in Win XP virtual machine. Everytime I try to print I get a "Document failed to print" message come up. Now, Win XP has detected & recognised my printer when I plug it in after starting the VM. Sometimes Windows even crashes & I get a blue screen with a whole lot of gobbledegook & it gets stuck in a cycle of restarting & crashing & starting again.

    I've tried all 3 methods in the manual & reading through numerous threads in this forum, but all to no avail! And yes, "USB Autoconnect" is turned on in the VM Config Editor. Even Bonjour for Windows hasn't worked with the printer selected as "Generic/Postscript" as some have suggested in other threads.

    The other thing I just tried plugging in is my Seagate FreeAgent external hard drive. Do you think I can see it under the "My Computer" list in Windows Explorer? No! Cant see/find it anywhere.

    This is just so frustrating. I hate to think how much of my productive work time I've wasted trying to get Win XP up & running so that I can throw away my PC & start working totally on the iMac. Sorry about the whinge, but I think I'm not the only one!

    Any help would be much appreciated - especially anyone from the Parallels Team!
  2. dkp

    dkp Forum Maven

    Install Bonjour for Windows - problems go away and productivity goes up.
  3. junketer

    junketer Junior Member

    Like I said in my post, tried Bonjour for Windows - didn't work.
  4. dkp

    dkp Forum Maven

    Then I have to guess you're doing everything wrong. It's not practical to try to print direct to USB from Windows because OS X tries to grab the port, and vice versa. Bonjour gets you past that. OS X runs as a printer server and Windows uses it via Bonjour. Couldn't be simpler. If it is a limitation of your printer then that is not a Parallels problem.
  5. junketer

    junketer Junior Member

    Thanks dkp. I'll wipe eveything to do with my printer from Windows & re-download Bonjour so that I'm starting with a clean slate.
  6. Purplish

    Purplish Forum Maven

    You need to uninstall the XP drivers and use the Bonjour drivers instead.

    From an old thread:
    I would recommend the following:

    Uninstall the printer drivers from Windows.

    Make sure the printer drivers are working properly when you print under OSX. If you have to reinstall the drivers in OSX, reboot.

    Reboot the VM. Run the Bonjour printer wizard and select the generic postscript driver. If the Bonjour Print Wizard offers you the specific driver for your printer, it is OK to take it. I have an HP7310 and Bonjour found the specific driver so I did not have to use the generic postscript driver.

    However, this seems to work only if you have not tried to install drivers on XP, and just use whatever is already there. When I tried to use the XP Driver install CD from HP, it just gummed up the OSX drivers so they didn't work either.

    Also make sure that Printer Sharing is enabled in OSX.
  7. junketer

    junketer Junior Member

    Well thanks for so much for that advice Purplish. I tried it exactly as you said & lo & behold, my printer actually worked for the first time ever!!! I'm still in shock!

    Now my next mission is to get my HP Designjet 430 printer working which will be very tricky as there are no Mac drivers/support for it. Any advice anyone?
  8. Purplish

    Purplish Forum Maven

    You can find a MAC driver for the HP Designjet 430 at Gimpprint (or GutenPrint). Do a Google and you will find it.
  9. GByrd

    GByrd Bit poster

    Epson Printer Not Working

    I have an Epson R320 that only works on the Mac OX side. I can't print anything on Window XP side. Windows doen't even there is a printer. I have called Epson, email Parallels and downloaded Bonjour. Still nothing works. I have to transfer files to Windows lap top and print from the lap top. :mad:
    I'm a new Mac user.
  10. sidssp

    sidssp Hunter

  11. GByrd

    GByrd Bit poster

    YEAH!!!! Thank you it works! I got this iMac on Mother's Day and have been dealing with this program for weeks. It's finally fixed on Fathday's Day.
  12. GByrd

    GByrd Bit poster

    Epson Printer

    My victory was short lived. It worked yesterday. When I turned on the computer today and went to print it doesn't work.:(

    What happened?
  13. GByrd

    GByrd Bit poster

    Epson Printer

    When I look at the CUPS printer in OS X, it says it's Stopped. Is this correct or should it idle?:confused: :mad:
  14. paulj

    paulj Junior Member

    yes, there's a MAJOR flaw in the program - and printing support isn't working at all.

    you are not alone - and JUST TRY to reach anyone at this company. Even their tech support system isn't working!

    miserable experience.

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