USB dongle: Double use ?

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by JLX, Dec 27, 2007.

  1. JLX

    JLX Junior Member

    I'm working with cad-software (VectorWorks) on an Imac:

    intel core 2 duo
    2,4 Ghz
    memory 2Gb
    Mac OSX 10.5 Leopard
    VM: Windows XP pro

    When I installed the Cad-software, I had to install the security dongle-drivers
    (HASP HL 2.16) for the software first. The installation of the dongledriver and software did it well. The software worked fine when i started up for the first time.

    When I restarted (the Imac + Parallels) the problem begins.
    After restarting the CAD-software (with USB-dongle(HASP HL 2.16)) I got the message: No HASP found. VectorWorks is closed. (The HASP is in the USB!)

    When I unplugg the security dongle/hasp and plug it in again, i got the message:
    USB device your trying to connect to the virtual machine is being used
    by another application. Close that application or unplug the device and
    plug it in again.
    But this didn't work. I can't start my cad-software again
    because the usb-dogle is being used by another application ???

    Today I update Parallels 3.0 build 4560 to Parallels 3.0 build 5582
    but the problem's still there.

    Is this a known problem and is there anybody who can help me ?

    It's just the usb-dongle that doesn't work. USB-memorysticks seems working and are recognized. The dongle works fine under Imac, OSX 10.5 Leopard.

    I find other threads about it but no answers...

    Isn't possible to programm the solution of this thread in an update ???
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2007
  2. takmad

    takmad Bit poster

    I have a similar problem, in my case with a USB 1.1 device, the Fisher-Price FP3 player. I have tried multiple options including all 3 settings of USB controller in the config. Parallels goes into the beachball spin of death. Activity monitor shows it red and not responding.

    I am also on Leopard 10.5.1 with Parallels 3.0 build 5582.

    I did get it to work once but cannot repeat the success, after 10+ tries. I've stopped trying and informed my 5 y.o. that it doesn't work until there is an update...

    Parallels, what options or upgrades are in the works?
  3. JLX

    JLX Junior Member


    I' don't know what parallels is doing with this problem, how
    they gonna handle it.

    I send them an email for support as it was mentioned
    on the back of the installationbox...but no answer...

    I post it on this supportforum...but no answer...

    If there's still no takes 2 minutes to reply this
    in this topic..."Dear client, we're working on it..." or by email, pm...

    I can not emaging that you can't program anything and that you can't
    fix this problem... The USB can be used, only de HASPS gives a problem...

    The "silence" of 'parallels' about this problem/topic makes me unhappy...
  4. Xenos

    Xenos Parallels Team

    Hello JLX and Takmad,

    Please sorry for making you waiting for the answer.
    I have delivered your reports to developers. They are investigating the issue.
    I will let you know as soon as they give me any answer.
    We also apologize for the e-mail support limitations on New Year holidays - it could have been unavailable sometimes. If you let me know (by PM) the e-mail you used to send us your request, we will find your ticket and provide you with e-mail support.

    Best regards,
  5. jackybe67

    jackybe67 Pro

  6. JLX

    JLX Junior Member

    @ Xenos, thx for the reply although I rather prefer to thank you for a solution :)
    But I glad somethin's done about it...
    Nevermind the email support...I'll watch this forum in expactation for a possible helping help..

    @ jackybe67
    Thx for helping but I' m afraid that's not the solution for me.
    I'm working with MacOS 10.5.1...I try those things in XP but it doesnt' work.
  7. Xenos

    Xenos Parallels Team

    Hello all,

    JLX, could you please check some setups in your VM Configuration Editor?
    Open Configuration -> USB Controller and check if it is set to connect to VM by default.

    Takmad, did you manage to get your Fisher-Price FP3 player working on the 5160 build of Parallels Desktop? If so, please try this build. If this does not do the trick, please give me a link on the device you are trying to use - we will investigate the issue.

    Best regards,
  8. JLX

    JLX Junior Member


    Device Status (enable)

    Connection Options
    1 - x connect to Guest OS
    2 - 0 connect to Mac OSX
    3 - 0 Ask me what to do

    The first one is active.
  9. Xenos

    Xenos Parallels Team

    Hello JLX,

    Please launch Windows, go to Devices -> USB in Parallels Desktop menu bar and try disconnecting - connecting again the device.

    Best regards,
  10. JLX

    JLX Junior Member

    did that and tried to connect-disconnect but a get the message ...double use...

    In the the lsit (deveices>usb):
    - IR receiver
    - Apple Wireless
    - Built - Insight
    - Apple Keyboard
    - Apple Optical Mosue
    - Hasp H.2.16

    to many devices ?
  11. Xenos

    Xenos Parallels Team

    JLX, the number of devices does not matter.

    Let's try the following:

    1. In Configuration Editor -> USB Controller choose Connect to Mac OS X as Connection Option. When you launch Windows then, enable the device through Devices -> USB in Parallels Desktop menu bar.

    2. In Configuration Editor -> Options -> Advanced put check at Enable Intel VT-X support.

    3. Disable Acceleration level.

    Best regards,
  12. JLX

    JLX Junior Member


    I did everything but I still got the message...when i want to enable the device
    in parallels.

    Isn't there aw way to get rid of the usb in the MacOS x?
  13. Xenos

    Xenos Parallels Team

    JLX, to prevent the USB getting used by another application in Mac, do not connect it to the computer until you start Windows.

    Before starting Windows make sure that the USB Controller in VM Configuration Editor is enabled and connect it to Guest OS again.

    Best regards,
  14. JLX

    JLX Junior Member

    ...I still got the message.
  15. Xenos

    Xenos Parallels Team

    JLX, please try this custom build with improved USB device implementation. I hope it helps.

    Best regards,
  16. JLX

    JLX Junior Member

    helo Xenos,

    It take some time to test this build but I' m afraid to tell
    you that I stille got hte message...
  17. Xenos

    Xenos Parallels Team

    JLX, do you possibly have any Mac application get started when you plug the USB device in?

    Best regards,
  18. JLX

    JLX Junior Member

    There's no Mac application started when I plug in the Hasp.

    It's the securityhasp of a CAD-program (VW). It's installed on both operating systems
    (Under Mac and Win XP). When I installed this program, the first thing I had to do was to install the dongledrivers. Maybe, when I want to start VectorWorks under XP, Parallels recognized a hasp/dongle belonging to a program on the main os-sytem MAc OS?
    It declares the message... I don't know, I'm guessing...
    I've already uninstalled the CADprogramm under MAc OSX Leopard and tried to start
    it under Xp but with the same message...I need them both for prof. reasons.

    What I did not understand: Why is a normal usb-memorystick, digital camera,..., recognized and a usb-hasp not?

    kindly regards
  19. Xenos

    Xenos Parallels Team

    Hello JLX,

    Could you please make a screenshot of Device Manager when you get the message?
    We would like to see the drivers installed in your Guest OS.
    Control Panel -> System -> Hardware -> Device Manager.

    Best regards,
  20. JLX

    JLX Junior Member


    Helo Xenos,

    This is what I've found...

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