Use %HOMEDRIVE% as Location for RDSH File Transfer

Discussion in 'Parallels Remote Application Server Feature Suggestions' started by GraspS, Jan 18, 2024.

  1. GraspS

    GraspS Junior Member

    Ever user has their own personal mapped drive that as configured in Active Directory under the Profile tab. I am requesting that the Parallels RAS File Transfer Location configuration allow %HOMEDRIVE% and/or %HOMESHARE% to be set for HTML5 File Transfers to confine users to upload/download from only their own personal mapped server drive.
    6. In the Location field, specify a UNC path to a folder to be used as the default upload location. This path will also be used as the default source location when a user tries to download a file from a remote server. You can select from one of the locations predefined in the drop-down list or you can specify your own. Standard Windows environment variables, such %USERNAME%, %USERDOMAIN%, %USERPROFILE%, can be used. If the location is not found during an upload or download operation, the standard (default) download location will be used.​
    JamesB64 likes this.

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