using bluetooth keyboard

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration' started by cjb1965, Aug 27, 2013.

  1. cjb1965

    cjb1965 Bit poster

    Can I configure a bluetooth keyboard that I connect to with my iPad mini?
  2. Andrew@Parallels

    Andrew@Parallels Parallels Team

    Sure thing! Whatever Bluetooth keyboard works with an iPad will also work with Parallels Access and you will be able to use it with your Mac/PC applications.
  3. JoeMeg

    JoeMeg Bit poster

    Well.... Not exactly. Cursor keys don't work. Modifier keys don't work (they do in many other VNC-type apps, like Screens). You can only type when in "keyboard mode" which means constantly having to tap the screen first to press the little keyboard icon (e.g. if Access doesn't recognize a text field, which is often, especially in powerpoint or when trying to use shortcuts, etc). And I regularly get total garbage when pressing keys (in Outlook this caused a whole lot of emails to get deleted -- thank goodness for undo).

    So, bluetooth keyboards don't really work yet. I really hope they get it fixed.

    (FYI, I'm using the Logitech Ultrathin Keyboard Cover).
  4. alreadytaken

    alreadytaken Bit poster

    Same for me: Cursor keys not working with an external keyboard (connected to a Mac mini), just the virtual cursor keys in the extended virtual keyboard row work. Needs a fix for the key mapping.
  5. GraemeJ

    GraemeJ Bit poster

    Arrow and modifier keys now actually do work with a Logitech Ultrathin Keyboard Cover after the latest App update!!!! Wow - things are looking up
  6. gogolathome

    gogolathome Bit poster

    Did you try keyboard combinations (like cmd-Q)? I like PA very much and it has great potential. I will use the free 180 days subscription to evaluate the evolution of this program.
  7. infrid

    infrid Bit poster

    Me too - I'd love some more info on this..

    Can anyone using bluetooth keyboards, or member of parallels team clarify the bluetooth keyboard support.

    Modifier keys,
    Cursor keys,
    F1-F12 keys.

    In short - could I use the bluetooth keyboard for programming.. i.e. lots of CTRL+Apple+key, or ALT +F keys.

  8. GraemeJ

    GraemeJ Bit poster

    Quick update, as far as I can tell, keyboard combos, such as cmd-Q, cmd-S certainly work. But ones using ctrl still don't. For example, in an editor (in OS-X) you can't navigate around using ctrl-a ctrl-e etc. and they also don't work in a terminal (such as killing a program with ctrl-c). I haven't looked at longer key combinations but it certainly looks like the ctrl key is not fully supported yet.

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