Using parallels as safe browser environment?

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by MatthiasE5, Mar 7, 2022.

  1. MatthiasE5

    MatthiasE5 Hunter

    Hello, I was thinking if it makes sense to use Parallels (on my M1 Mac) for a special VM for safe browsing?

    I read this article (German; use google translate if necessary please)
    which mentions Bromiom (now HP Sure Click Enterprise Endpoint Security).

    I was thinking: Would it make sense to install the "safest OS" (which?) in the VM, use the isolated VM option, then use the safest browser available for that (which?), and add other stuff like antimalware solutions on top, and then simply always use Rollback mode and perhaps prior to that upload any data/files such as tabs data, new bookmarsk, or downloads to cloud storage to prevent any direct access of the VM to the host or local storage. Sounds paranoid, but what do you think of that?

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