V 11.1 Mac OSX CLient missing 'Disk Drives' optiion

Discussion in 'Parallels Client for Mac' started by simong2, Aug 29, 2014.

  1. simong2

    simong2 Bit poster


    We have published a list of applications via the 2x RAS Cloud Portal - however, if the aplication is launched via this using the v 11.1 client, there is absolutely no option to allow access to local disks throught he RDP connection.

    EG If I publish Windows Explorer, I previously was able to attach local disks/home folders from the Mac and view those through the Windows Explorer.

    Now, the 'Disk Drives' option is missing - and if I launch this application through the cliud portal, it does not auto-include them.

    If I use the 2x client directly, and launch the published appication from the configured 2x client, I do have the ability to specify local folders to pass throgh as a local resource under connection properties.

    Furthermore, the Application Server gateway settings for the client at the server end allow me to specify local drives as enabled for all Windows cleints, but not mac!

    We had to upgrade to v 12 of the cloud portal, and are in the process of getting the Application Server XG upgraded to v 12
    , but most of our clients are split 30/60 11.1 and 10.6.

    I have hunted for a way t force this but to no avail!

    Our publishing server and gatewways are Application Gateway 10.5
  2. andrews8

    andrews8 Hunter

    Hi thanks for contacting 2X Forums.

    Please contact us at support@2x.com with more information about your query.
  3. Hollander95

    Hollander95 Junior Member

    thanks a lot ,but i get the same error on windows7. That's mean i try to connect from windows 7 to server on windows xp.
  4. Hollander95

    Hollander95 Junior Member

    Sorry,but i get the same error also on windows7;if i try to connecter from windows7 to windows xp sp3.

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