Thank you for your feedbacks.
Time to dig much deeper. What I am about to ask now will require some deeper knowledge of Mac OS X, but should finally shed some light on the issue.
1. Make sure that the Activity Monitor application is not running. If it is, quit it. Also please quit Parallels Desktop.
2. Open Applications->Utilities->Terminal
3. Paste the following string into Terminal and hit Enter:
sudo /Applications/Utilities/Activity\\ Monitor
4. Enter your password when prompted.
5. Activity Monitor window opens. Select "All Processes" in the drop-down at the top-right side of Activity Monitor window
6. Start Parallels Desktop. Wait several seconds till it starts bouncing and beachballing.
7. Find "Parallels Desktop" process in Activity Monitor's process list. Click it once to highlight.
8. Click "Sample Process" button at the top of Activity Monitor window.
9. In a while a window with text will open. Copy-paste the text into some text file and attach here. Or just copy-paste the text here at the forum.
It is important to perform steps 7-8 while the issue is in progress (the Parallels Desktop icon is bouncing and beach ball happens). This should give some technical information on what the Parallels Desktop is doing that long.
We need samples from as many different users as possible.
Thank you very much in advance.
Last edited: Nov 11, 2009