1. Statman

    Statman Member

    I am running Parallels (7.0.15107.796624) on a Mac Pro. I am getting the strangest stuff happening...about 50% of the time, I launch Parallels and it starts no problem (windows XP), the other 50%, it can't find the Windows OS. When I point it to the OS, it rebuilds it like it was never there. No snapshots are available (so worthless as AFAIK). Some times I'll get three OS's to choose from some times 5 sometimes 1????? It is so strange.

    Any ideas why it forgets the OS?

    To add...I just had this happen....It says

    the application is installed in a virtual machine that cannot be located....

    oh well tried to post a pic, but the manage attachments is blank (no way to upload a file)...go figure.
    Last edited: May 20, 2013

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