Virtual disk hdd vs. Bootcamp partition

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by lithe951, Mar 19, 2008.

  1. lithe951

    lithe951 Member

    I've used Parallels for 1.5 years now, always running a virtual disk. In fact it's been the same hdd file that has just grown over time from the original 2.x version through the current build 5584. And until last week, it's been rock-solid. But last week my hdd file corrupted and I still haven't been able to recover it. After a lot of searching this forum and elsewhere, it seems like this has been more and more of an issue lately. Well in order to get myself back running I created a new vm and installed XP from scratch, in a new virtual hdd file.

    But my question is, since the incidence of corrupt hdd files seems to be increasing, has anyone noticed better reliability from a bootcamp partition instead? I'm considering reinstalling again using a bootcamp partition just so I don't have to worry about potential file corruption and in worst case, can just reboot directly into Windows via bootcamp. Seems like it might be a better solution for me, if less portable.


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