Vista Enterprise SP1 - connection timeout

Discussion in 'Parallels Remote Application Server' started by cwerfel, Jun 19, 2008.

  1. cwerfel

    cwerfel Guest

    Alright. If we can get past the "just uninstall Vista" and "get a Mac" comments, has anyone else tried the client on Vista ENTERPRISE with SP1? I get connected to the farms just fine but get a timout whenever I try to launch an app. The connecting dialog comes up with the correct server but never completes the connect. I know this was working on Vists Business RTM so I am thinking either SP1 breaks it OR Enterprise does. If no one has seen this is there a debug or trace option for the client so I can see how far it is progressing?

  2. nixu

    nixu Guest

    if you diable the vista's firewall can you connect?


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