Visual Studio 2012 Hangs On Close

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by Michael Pitt, Aug 30, 2012.

  1. Michael Pitt

    Michael Pitt Member


    I'm running Windows 8 (release version) in Parallels 8 (was Parallels 7 until about 10 minutes ago!).

    I have a small problem with VS2012 which still happens in the release version. I keep my VS projects in my Mac documents folder so they get picked up by Time Machine. I map a Parallels shared folder from my Windows 8 guest and everything runs fine until I close a project or close VS.

    Every now and again, VS will hang on closing the project or itself. You can't kill the task, and it just sits there with the cursor spinning. Logging out and logging back in manages to kill the process. This didn't happen with earlier versions of VS (I've worked this way for a long time), so I assumed it was a VS2012 issue.

    It seems that Parallels does have something to do with this though, as I ran my VM in VMWare Fusion 5 yesterday for the full day and didn't get the issue once. I assume it must be something to do with the way Parallels maps the connection to the shared folder that VS2012 isn't liking.

    Does anyone have any ideas?

  2. juzci

    juzci Guest

    thank you for feedback, we do appreciate it!
    To investigate the issue we need some technical information, so could you please reproduce it, send us Problem Report as described in and give me an ID?

    Thanks in advance,
  3. RattleAndHum

    RattleAndHum Bit poster

    Hi. I've experienced the same problem with VS 2012 hanging on exit in Windows 7 and Parallels 7. I've filled out a problem report. Here's the ID: 18266154

    Thanks for any help.
  4. JasonTeale

    JasonTeale Bit poster

    Same thing happening for me too

    I'm running Parallels Desktop 8, and have a Windows 7 x64 virtual machine, with Visual Studio 2012.
    Occasionally when I exit from Visual studio, or even when compiling and running a project, Parallels stops responding and locks up indefinitely. I can then only force quit parallels to get out of it.

    I am accessing files within visual studio which reside on the Mac, using the shared drive that parallels sets up.
  5. danieltharris

    danieltharris Member

    I have a similar issue, but when I try to create a new project/solution.

    If I try to create to a network location (\\psf mapped location) when creating the project VS2012 hangs for me.

    If I save to C:\TFS for example I have no issue at all creating projects. You can still backup the VM to time machine and files on the Virtual HDD will still be backed up.

    I assume you like that Time Machine probably gives some sort of versioning though. Have you tried VS2012 working with networked locations other than one on your Mac, say to one on another PC on your home/work network?
  6. ALobban

    ALobban Bit poster

    I have the same issue with Parallels Desktop 8/Windows 8/Visual Studio 2012. Has there been a fix for this issue?
  7. JerryW2

    JerryW2 Bit poster

    I have the same problem/Windows 7

    I have recently migrated from an HP Laptop running Windows 7 to Parallels 8. Everything works really nicely. I love it. Except it hangs when it tries to shut down. Fortunately, I can kill the VM and then when I start up again, Windows 7 recovers and I can keep working.

    I am going to keep trying stuff. (I already tried a second migration and I'm going to try a third. And I'll also set up a new VM from scratch.) But for now, I really wish the hanging on shutdown would go away.

    I'll try sending a problem report, too.

    Last edited: Oct 24, 2012
  8. Chris_Jenkins

    Chris_Jenkins Bit poster

    I have the same issue with a similar configuration. Parallels 8, Windows 7, VS 2012, and projects mapped to a mac folder. This is a new build VM will all software recently installed and patched. It does not seem to occur with projects hosted on a Windows Folder, but is consistant for projects hosted on a Mac Drive. I also keep my projects on the Mac drive for back-up needs mush like the initial poster.
  9. ALobban

    ALobban Bit poster

    Is this your issue?
  10. Chris_Jenkins

    Chris_Jenkins Bit poster

    Does not appear so I can access the drive fine. I've also noticed that if I completely close the project before attempting to close visual studio it does not hang. So my current solution is to close the project before closing VS 2012.
  11. OguzTheSailor

    OguzTheSailor Bit poster

    VS 2012 Hangs on Close and Creating new projects

    Hi All,
    I think I read in one of the forums (parallels or msdn), after installing VS 2010 or 2012, you need to install the Parallels Tools again. Be sure it completes the installation and reboots your VM.

    Mac Conf:
    MBP 15" Late 2011, OS:10.8.2, Parallels 8, Win 7 and Win 8 VS 2010, VS2012.

    Project Folders are in //pfs folder.

    This solved my problems:
    Creating new projects VS2012 OK Button is grayed out while projects are saved in the //pfs folder.
    VS 2012 "Not Responding" while creating a new project.
    VS 2012 hang on closing the program while a project is open.

    I hope this will help and give some kind of idea to Parallels Developers.
  12. dannygnj

    dannygnj Bit poster

    I am having the same exact issue, with the same configuration.
  13. OguzTheSailor

    OguzTheSailor Bit poster

    Did you try to install the Parallels Tools again and reboot your VM? I am working like that in Win 7 environment without hanging since last 2 Parallels 8 updates.
  14. dannygnj

    dannygnj Bit poster

    I am trying that right now. Thanks much.
  15. Michael Pitt

    Michael Pitt Member

    Update 1 to Visual Studio 2012 seems to fix this issue completely.
  16. CoolDixon

    CoolDixon Bit poster

    I am having the exact same issue with the same configuration: Parallels 8 (Parallels 7 until yesterday, so yes I upgraded Parallels Tools after upgrade), Windows 7 x64 and Visual Studio 2012 Update 1.

    It hangs even trying to just close the project.

    I also tried to disable SMB 2.0 as recommended in other post without success
  17. MartinEB

    MartinEB Bit poster

    I also have the exact same problem. I have VS 2012 Update 1 (also tried with the latest Update 2 CTP). It hangs 99% of the time when closing a solution or when getting latest files from TFS source control - very annoying.

    Update 1 does not fix the error, this problem occurred sometime after installing a Parallels update.
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2013
  18. MartinEB

    MartinEB Bit poster

    Just tried with latest 8.0.18483 and it still doesn't work.
  19. LarryBoyColorado

    LarryBoyColorado Bit poster

    I've been beating my head against a wall for a full week with this problem. There are definitely issues with Studio, and not just on closing. I'm working on WPF application, and was getting a constant stream of "spooky" errors where Studio was convinced that projects were out of date that had just been built. Rebuild all would often trigger the same lock-up that exiting Studio would.

    This seems to be related to a problem where trying to copy from a real network share to the Parallels Mac/Windows share (psf/Home) also drops files and doesn't copy the whole source tree.

    The solution is to work from a pure Windows drive (C:\ in my case). Like magic everything started working.

    There are MAJOR issues in the Parallel share that need to be resolved. I've literally wasted 60+ hours in the last seven days troubleshooting what I thought was some kind of random bug in our code, or a Studio virus. I even installed a different version of Windows (7 Ultimate) and Studio (2010) and got the same screwball behavior.

    As I said, copy to a Windows-only folder, and all the problems go away. Ugh!
  20. MartinEB

    MartinEB Bit poster

    It used to work in a earlier build. So where is the links to all the old versions?

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