I think I've hit all the relevant threads, but are there any experiences to indicate it's not a good idea to develop with parallels? Seems to be working OK. I know boot camp sez it's not for production, but I can't afford multiple pieces of hardware. I'm jumping in with both feet and hoping the final version of bc will be a gem. What about parallels and boot camp on the same MBP? I'm ordering a MBP w/Intel Core 2 Duo @2.33 GHz with 2GB RAM (3 if I can get it). Thanks for any pointers! _E
Well I do develop with Parallel and VS2005, and actually also with Delphi 2005 and oracle XE. Works very well. However I do have one XP image with my VS2005 and one XP image with my Delphi. VS2005 and Delphi don't mix well together.
Excellent news! I had to ask the question directly to be sure. I'm looking forward to coding and proofing on the Mac on the same machine. Peachy doesn't begin to cover it, IMHO. _E
The only really annoying thing is that you have to modify your .net environment is some annoying ways to be able to store your code on a "Parallels Shared Folder". Otherwise, you get copious warning that you are modifying/launching code from an untrusted source. Otherwise developing in .net in parallels works fine.
I have just BEGUN to test the same thing (VS 2005) and SO FAR so good. I've only run some cursory tests, but the built-in web server seemed to be running OK. I haven't yet tried any SQL connections/queries. That's next on my list to try...
works great, vs2005, vs2003, sql server 2000, sql server 2005. all on windows server 2003. occasional parallels issues crop up with new releases but its been pretty solid.
Been giving Parallels 1970 a test run to develop in, using VS 2005 and Oracle XE. Works absolutely flawlessly, haven't had any issues with the development side of it. My only issue so far (which is preventing me from purchasing it) is the lack of sound in Parallels - which Parallels (inc.) don't seem to want to assist with.
About the sound issue, maybe you want to try to delete the device in the windows device manager and have windows re-discover it. Mine works fine. Actually I disabled the sound because it annoys me when windows plays sounds while my Mac is running iTunes.
I've done production work with VS2005 and SQL Server 2005 on XP Pro under Parallels on my MBP, and it's been fine. I always do final unit test on a physical PC back at the office, but I haven't had a problem. I've been using Parallels since day one, and it has offerered everything I need. Their people have been very responsive and helpful too. Great product, great people. Makes life that much better.