VM Cannot Ping Local Network

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by sgharp, Aug 24, 2013.

  1. sgharp

    sgharp Bit poster

    Hi Guys,

    My host is Mac OS X 10.8.4 & PD v8.0.16808. I have guest VMs running Windows 7 Pro 64-bit and Xubuntu 64-bit w/kernel v3.8.0-25. My network on both VMs is set to Shared Network. Both VMs can access anything on the Internet with no problems. The VMs can't access anything on my local network although they are on the same subnet and all physical devices on the LAN can see each other. I've just updated PD tools on the Xubuntu and Windows VMs and this didn't help.

    Why do I see the Internet but not my local LAN?

  2. Specimen

    Specimen Product Expert

    On a shared network VMs are on a subnet of the Mac. Use bridged network and they will all be at the same subnet as are all other physical LAN attached devices.
  3. sgharp

    sgharp Bit poster

    On further examination, I'm seeing the same behavior with VirtualBox VMs running on a Linux host so it's probably not a Parallels issue. I'm guessing something to do with my firewall but I'm clueless what that could be. The VMs report the same subnet using ipconfig/ifconfig.
  4. sgharp

    sgharp Bit poster

    Now I'm really confused. I clicked "Restore Defaults" in network settings for Parallels and now everything is working as it should. That doesn't explain why VMs running on VirtualBox and Linux hosts still have the same screwed up behavior but I don't really care. I'm gonna have a drink!
  5. Specimen

    Specimen Product Expert

    Restore Defaults?

    Did you happen to go into Parallels > Preferences > Advanced > Shared and changed from 10.211.55.x to 192.168.1.x (or whatever the subnet is?) before, and that's why you were saying they were in the same subnet?

    You shouldn't actually make that change and it's generally better to leave those values alone, because making that change will not bridge the interfaces and will not route local packets to other devices on the LAN. It will in fact cause a lot of confusion. In order to have the same subnet the network adapters have to be bridged. So for this, you should pick bridged network.
    Unless you meant by LAN all the VMs under Parallels, they can communicate between them in shared network because they are all in the 10.211.55 sub net.

    Just leave these virtual router setting alone and use the defaults, both in Parallels and any other VM app, and you'll be fine. But most importantly don't try to bridge networks that way.
  6. sgharp

    sgharp Bit poster

    I made the change previously to 192.x.x.x because I was having trouble where the VMs could see the local network but not the Internet. Now restoring everything to defaults gets everything working. Go figure.
  7. gizmojunkee

    gizmojunkee Bit poster


    I actually have a similar issue but the other way. I want to have a bridged network where my new Linux VM is visible but then my NFS mount to a NAS on the same Network does not work (timeout). If I change it to the Network settings you say should be left alone the VM is no longer visible on the network because (SHARED) but it can now connect to the nfs mount on the NAS fine. Why does my bridged network gets a timeout?


    Thanks for your advise

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