I'm running Windows 8.1 in Parallels 10 with multiple monitors. When I am doing something on the host OS (OS X Mavericks) for approximately 15 minutes and don't touch the VM, the VM display goes black. I assume it's a power-saving feature of some sorts, since Parallels notices I haven't touched the VM in a while. When I click back into the VM, the other monitors go back through the animation it does when you first go full-screen with multiple-monitor support, where each display has its own "space". All windows that were once on other screens get shoved back onto the primary screen. So it seems whenever the VM goes to sleep, the external monitors have their connections severed. I never noticed this in Parallels 9, and I've left the VM alone for multiple hours. Is there an option I can uncheck to prevent the VM from sleeping? It's more annoying than it is helpful. It takes a lot of time for me to set up the windows exactly like I need for the external monitors, and there are plenty of instances I won't be touching them for long periods of time, while working on something in the host OS, with the guest for reference. If there is not an option, and this is a new feature, please add the option to disable it, or have the external monitors remain connected (though black), when the VM sleeps. Thank you!