Hello ! I would love to be able to VNC connect to my Ubuntu Linux Virtual machines in Parallels 6 I have an OSX 10.6 Server hosting a plethora of Virtual Machines and would love for sanity to be able to connect to them via VNC, RDC would be ok as well - I have RDC working with all my windows installs fine. thanks in advance !
Note: -- I do have ubuntu remote desktop preferences set correctly - -- odd that i cant connect vnc to my ubuntu VM's ? -
Im smart -- Don't know what i was doing wrong - Everything is working fine -- -- Just installed a fresh Ubuntu Desktop 32 bit - 10.10 VM - -- plugged in the right preferences for remote desktop & bingo VNC -- so im good --- I must have bugged up the ubuntu image I was attempting to connect to via vnc -- -- perhaps it was the fact the it's the 64 bit server version with ubuntu desktop installed for GUI - --- and could also be all the repositories hehe -- -- anyway -- I can confirm that the stock 32 bit version of ubuntu desktop will allow VNC after selecting the right preference - SOLVED --