Hi, Just tried to publish a simple URL on the RAS server. Once I use the HTML5 browser, I am able to see the Link but clicking on it does nothing. The icon simply flashes. Any ideas?
@BentonS Web application publishing launches a server-side browser and points it to the specified link. If the icon simply flashes, then the server is taking a long time to respond. So, the first thing to check is if publishing any other application from the same server works correctly. Secondly, by default the HTML5 Gateway will open URLs locally. So, it may be a good idea to check if your pop-up blocker is blocking this functionality. If you want that the web application is opened on the server-side, you will have to enable "URL redirection" only for "E-mail" or disable it completely.
@BentonS It is a "client-side" setting, so I guess it is saved per-user. However it is should be possible to setup a server-side policy to configure it as needed.