Webportal issue - Pushing of client settings failed

Discussion in 'Parallels Remote Application Server' started by jw15, Mar 24, 2010.

  1. jw15

    jw15 Guest

    When attempting to launch applications through the webportal we have found an issue where we receive an error - "Pushing of client settings failed".
    We have found this to be with IE8 and most often in Windows 7.
    Has anyone else come across this and found what the cause is? Any input would be greatly appreciated.
  2. grancu

    grancu Guest


    Switch off UAC.

  3. jw15

    jw15 Guest

    We have also found it to occur on some XP machines without UAC to turn off.
  4. rmgoode

    rmgoode Guest

    Any fix on this? This occurs on almost any operating system whether or not UAC is on or off.
  5. zippo

    zippo Pro

    what are the exact build versions of both client and server.
    to my knowledge there was a bug fixfor this.
  6. rmgoode

    rmgoode Guest

    Client: 8.1 875
    Server: 8.1 875 (same thing even with Beta released installed on 9/7/10)
  7. zippo

    zippo Pro

    do you have any client policies configured on the console ?
  8. rmgoode

    rmgoode Guest

    Yes. I even recreated it without luck.
  9. rmgoode

    rmgoode Guest

    Actually, I might be back in business. In the policy, I changed to use LDAP. Appears to be working at the moment.
  10. zippo

    zippo Pro

    So if you use LDAP it work and WINNT it does not?
    Are you using a user or a group in the policy?
    If using a group does the user who has the issue reside in the group directly ?
  11. Adao

    Adao Guest

    Still doesn't work even UAC is turn off.
    I'm using the newest version (Build 929), anyone who can help??
  12. zippo

    zippo Pro

    UAC has nothing to do with it, please contact support so we can get logs
    Also pleaseensure you are using the latest versions online
  13. jvandenbroek

    jvandenbroek Guest

    Any change this will be fixed soon? Turning of UAC is no option/solution. It should just work with UAC on. Probably has something to do with writing stuff to registry parts where it's not allowed, why not put ALL settings in HKCU to prevent this failing behaviour? A normal user should also be able to install a client in it's profile without any error messages (it works ignoring these errors, but that's confusing to users).
  14. sryan

    sryan Guest

    Possible Solution,

    I was having the same problem. I found that in the App Server console that if you had a "2x client policy" enabled, it would fail. If I unchecked this, it started working. This was not a proper solution.

    I use SSL Mode for all connections.

    In the web portal admin, I changed it so that the computer would install the full client instead of basic.
    I also made it so that it would "Override 2X Secure Client Gateway" settings to use SSL Mode.

    I hope this solves your problem. It solved ours.

  15. zippo

    zippo Pro

    hi guys Client policies have nothing to do with Installation type or webportal.
    The client policies forces settings to the client which the administrator has configured from the console.
    It is important that you use the latest release 2x client
    for your information settings are stored per user
  16. sryan

    sryan Guest


    I am just stating the facts here. When I enable the client policy in the LoadBalancer Console, I am unable to use the webportal webpage with the basic install. When the client policy is disabled, the webportal works fine.

    Now if you use the Full client install, it will work with the client policy enabled or disabled.

    I myself see this as a major bug.

    My newest discovery is that I unchecked the override settings in the admin portal page. Everything started working again. Internal and External. We now have a product that we can present to our staff.

  17. zippo

    zippo Pro

    I will test it myself, can you pleaseprovide me the version numbers you are using of AS, WebPortal and 2x Client
  18. lharsh

    lharsh Guest

    I am demoing the product right now and I am also receiving this error.

    I am running version 8.1 (build 941) on the Secure Client Gateway (Is this the AS?)
    Access Portal is 8.1.941.0
    Client is 8.1.941.0
  19. lharsh

    lharsh Guest

    It appears this issue continues to nag in the version 9 beta.

    I have attached a screenshot to the post.

    Versions this time are:
    AS - 9.0 (build 1036)
    Basic Client - 9.0 (build1036)
    Web Portal - 9.0.1036.0

    Any word on why this is happening?
  20. jurgencachia

    jurgencachia Guest


    Kindly mote that if you are testing on vista or windows 7 client make sire UAC is switch of also I suggest to test with different browsers.


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