What are the plans for DX11/12 Support?

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by DashtonP, May 14, 2019.

  1. DashtonP

    DashtonP Member

    Hi there!
    I've been seeing a bit of chatter about DX11/12 support in the feature requests section, and I was wondering how you plan to implement this? Do you have your own in house DX11/12 --> Metal translation or would you be using something like MoltenVK + DXVK? Any information is appreciated :) I hope to see DX11/12 implemented at some point as it would be amazing to stay in the macOS environment without having a restart or anything.
  2. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

  3. DashtonP

    DashtonP Member

    Thanks for the reply Maria,
    I wrote my post as more of a question rather than a suggestion, I was just wondering (assuming that there is work or research being done to try to support DX11/12 with Parallels) how you are going about doing it. I understand that you probably wouldn't want to say too much about how you are doing this since there is other competition that is most likely trying to achieve the same thing (Crossover, VMWare), but I am curious if there is any information you could provide on the matter. I guess I can post using MoltenVK with DXVK support (once that becomes available) in the suggestions thread as a separate post. Thanks again for your quick response.

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