I want to migrate an image from an all in one XP machine with an intermittant screen fault, to an iMac. I eventually managed this, and all seemed fine, until I realised the size of the XP.hdd file on the Mac was 140Gb and using up nearly all the hard drive. It appears that during my first attempt at running Transporter Agent on the PC, I actually created an image file ON the PC and this was subsequently migrated along with the image during a further attempt at migration. I have tried using Compressor, but this would hang after about 50% and I have now deleted the bloated image. I want to try and import again amd have defragmented and reduced the PC system to tidy it up. My problem is that when I run Transporter Agent on the PC it begins gathering data and I feel it is going to create an image locally again. I have a fault with the display on the PC and only have glimpses of what is happening. Can someone tell me what processes to expect on the PC, what is Transporter Agent going to do after it has gathered data, and roughly how long should this take? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- giup viec nha, trung tam cung ung nguoi giup viec nha, trung tam gioi thieu nguoi giup viec nha