What files does Parallels install/modify in Boot Camp?

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by spacedog3k, Oct 19, 2007.

  1. spacedog3k

    spacedog3k Bit poster

    So I did a stupid thing and undated some video drivers that I shouldn't have while in Parallels (end of a long day, wasn't thinking) anyway the upshot was that my XP Boot Camp Parallels VM wouldn't work.

    Long story short I booted, in Parallels, into my Windows XP disk and did a system repair. That worked for Parallels but I couldn't boot into Boot Camp so I booted up from the Windows XP CD in Boot Camp and did a system repair there figuring that if I could get the Boot Camp version working that Parallels could just be reconfigured.


    So now I have Widows XP working from Boot Camp but not Parallels. I would figure that If it is working in Boot Camp reinstalling Parallels would work but it doesn't, maybe because Parallels already sees the files it uses to modify Windows XP and doesn't reinstall them?

    Anyway what files do I need to remove/replace to get this working again? Where is the boot.ini file for Parallels install? (Looking at the file on C:\boot.ini doesn't have a Parallels configuration but when I boot in Parallels there is it)

    I have tried removing ntkopvs_.exe, ntkoppa_.exe and halopvs_.dll as well as uninstalling and reinstalling Parallels and deleting the VM but none of that worked.

    Any ideas?


    - Craig

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