What is wrong with the new Chromes OS coming with Parallels 10 ?!?

Discussion in 'Other Virtual machines' started by KarlheinzF, Oct 6, 2014.

  1. KarlheinzF

    KarlheinzF Bit poster

    Hi there,

    last week I upgraded to Parallels 10 and was happy to use now a newer version of "Chrome OS". But the happiness turned fast into sadness, because the version I downloaded from parallels server is not working correctly. The resolution is only 1024x768 in fullscreen mode with black bars on the left and right side and when I log into my account it says that there missing some api keys. Scrolling seems also been disabled. Trying to lock in as a guest user turns the monitor into black and after a short while the VM is restarting.

    Can you please tell me what I have to do to fix this, respectively where to download a working version / the old Chrome VM coming with Parallels 9, because this here is unusable and I deleted the old VM :(

    Thanks in advance for your answers.

    Greetings Kalle
  2. KarlheinzF

    KarlheinzF Bit poster

    Is there anybody out here? I paid for the upgrade, the new Chrome OS, part of this upgrade, is unusable and all I get here is silence and no answer. I think good support looks a little different :(
  3. Abdul@Parallels

    Abdul@Parallels Parallels Support

    Hello Kalle,

    Please Modify xorg.conf file will help you in resolving the issue.

    Since the modification needs to be done on xorg.conf , please take a backup or snapshot of the VM.

    1. Start Chrome OS
    2. Login with credentials.
    3. Press ALT-CTRL-Fn-F2 to enter command mode.
    4. Login into Root User. User Name : Chronos Password: parallels
    5. Now you would have logged into root user.
    6. Now type the following Commands sudo mount -o remount / sudo vi /etc/X11/xorg.conf
    7. Set your required Screen resolution in "Modes "----x----" ".
    8. Save changes to xorg.conf
    9. Exit terminal mode: exit
    10. Restart Chrome OS.
    11. Now you will be able to view Chrome OS in your desired screen resolution.

    Let us know how it goes!
  4. KarlheinzF

    KarlheinzF Bit poster

    I have read this in another article in this forum but it didn't work for me in the past.

    But let's give it another try ;)

    I typed in everything you wrote above. The next thing I get is that I have to enter again the password. I typed it and I receive a bunch of text, but no chance to enter "Modes". Typing in Modes and the resolution manually leads to "Command not found"

    Sorry, everything is like before :(

    What I do not understand is that the VM of Chrome coming with Parallels 9 has worked perfectly, but this here does not. What have you changed in it?

    Thanks in advance for your answers

    Greetings Kalle
  5. Specimen

    Specimen Product Expert

    Kalle, modes is not a command, you have to edit the file xorg.conf and change the that part to suit your desired resolution.
    And the only text editor available from the command line is Vi, the interaction with Vi is not what you are normally used to if you have never used it, you might want to google it.

    But I guess Abdul could have given you better instructions, those would work for someone who knows Vi and/or is willing to google for it.

    Here are my instructions:

    1. Start Chrome OS
    2. Login with credentials.
    3. Press ALT-CTRL-Fn-F2 to enter command mode.
    4. Login into Root User. User Name : Chronos Password: parallels
    5. Now you would have logged into root user.
    6.1 Now type the following commands (enter after each line, these are actually 2 commands not one, Abdul wasn't clear on that *sigh*):
    mount -o remount /
    vi /etc/X11/xorg.conf

    Note: I removed the 'sudo' because we are already running in root, if it says something about permissions than add sudo to the start of each line
    6 .2 You are in Vi now, scroll until you find "Modes", press i (i in Vi means INSERT, so that you can change the text)
    7. Set your required Screen resolution in 'Modes "----x----" ' (ex: Modes "1650x1280")
    8. Press esc to stop editing; press :wq (in Vi means write and quit)
    9. Exit terminal mode: exit
    10. Restart Chrome OS.
    11. Now you will be able to view Chrome OS in your desired screen resolution.

    Finally, the ChromeOS VM in PDM9 dates back to 2012, it hasn't been updated since, I haven't tried it on PDM10 but I doubt it's up to date since no one is making ChromeOS builds anymore. Current ChromeOS is at version 38, I think, the one in PDM9 was version 14.
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2014
  6. KarlheinzF

    KarlheinzF Bit poster

    Hi Specimen,

    thank you for your detailed answer. I did all you wrote, set my required resolution in modes, have pressed :wq and than the system told me that this is a read only file and I have to put in ! to overwrite it. I also done this and now the system told me "Can't open file for writing" :(

    Damn, so close ;)

    Thank you also for the info about ChromeOS. I did not look at the "Build Number", the only thing I thought was, that there will be a new build with Parallels. Is there a chance to download a VM which is working or can be converted with Parallels.

    Thanks in advance for your answers :)

    Greetings Kalle
  7. Specimen

    Specimen Product Expert

    Then, add sudo at the beginning of the 2 terminal commands like I said in 6.1.

    In relation to the 2nd question, like I said, no one is doing up to date builds of it, googling for chrome os the most recent build you can get is from April 2013, and that's more recent than the Parallels one in PDM9 (don't know about 10):


    I can't help you any further than this.
  8. KarlheinzF

    KarlheinzF Bit poster

    Hi Specimen,

    Thanks again for the infos.

    I will see if it works this weekend. If not, I will not disturb you or any other here with this stupid question. I still cannot understand why Parallels ad a newer version of ChromeOS (It says build 32 in specifications) to the downloads coming with Parallels 10, when it is not working properly, but I think, this is also my problem ;)

    I am a paying customer since Parallels 4, but the more this software grows, the worth it is supported and we must pay for every little bit. Sad but true.

    Greetings Kalle
  9. Specimen

    Specimen Product Expert

    The problem is lack of Parallels Tools for Chrome OS.

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