What??? Parallels LOST my Virtual Machine

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by PerpendicuIars, Feb 16, 2012.

  1. PaulMarx

    PaulMarx Bit poster

    Same thing!

    Parallels told me to upgrade, I did it. After upgrade the VM is lost.
    And since Parallels has backup to time machine disabled by default (which I had to discover today), it is not possible to recover.
    I am very upset by parallels for this.
    All my work is gone...
    This issue seems to keep arising since 2013, so why no one from parallels has answered until now?
  2. IbrahimS2

    IbrahimS2 Bit poster

    This happen to me twice I lose the virtual machine and I install the machine from the beginning too much work. I use the machine then close it and the next day I couldn't find it. Today happen to the second time in 2 weeks. Not sure what is happening with this new software. This becoming very frustrating anyone can help?!!!
  3. Ajith1

    Ajith1 Parallels Support

    Check and make sure Parallels virtual machine is not moved to the iCloud drive.
  4. KeilH

    KeilH Bit poster

    The same thing happened to me this morning. My Windows 10 VM disappeared after the latest Parallels application update. Spotlight says that there are no .pvm files anywhere on the drive. Nothing is backing up to iCloud (or any other cloud provider). This is infuriating.
  5. WilliamH11

    WilliamH11 Bit poster

    Add me to the list. I go to start my VM today and it's completely gone, no .pvm files and an empty trash can. Between this and the constant ads and apparently VMs magically deleting themselves? This is beyond ridiculous.
  6. Ajith1

    Ajith1 Parallels Support

    Try to check in iCloud drive if the PVM file is moved to it or not. You can use the Finder search and look for ".pvm".
    Maria@Parallels likes this.
  7. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    Guys, please also check the "trash". Let us know the results please.
    You will not find in finder the trash's files
  8. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    Also please generate the Problem report using this KB article.
    Reply us back with the report's ID number.
  9. WilliamH11

    WilliamH11 Bit poster

    I did, I don't have iCloud backup enabled and there are no PVM files on the machine. The trash can was empty. I've since re-built the VM so I'm not sure if a report will be still be viable?
  10. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    Ok, @WilliamH11 but if the VM disappears again, please do not forget generate a report right after that and provide us with the report number.
  11. Almak

    Almak Bit poster

    Same here I quit my desktop and when I open it again VM was gone, no.pvm file either :( why??????
  12. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    Hi, did you check the Parallels folder and the trash also?
  13. Almak

    Almak Bit poster

    Yes, its completely gone
  14. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    Did it happen after the update to the latest version of Parallels Desktop or Windows?
  15. CoreyA1

    CoreyA1 Bit poster

    Add my name to the list of casualties. I rebooted my MacBook today to let it update some MacOS stuff. Imagine my surprise when one of mv VMs is completely fscking gone after logging back in. My VM was gone without a trace. Ridiculous behavior. Not moved to the trash, but utterly gone. What the Hell is the deal with Parallels? Crashes I can understand, but why on earth would the entire directory just vanish? I lost a ton of work that I hadn't committed yet because Parallels has never done this to me. I can see that this thread goes back years, so clearly it's a known issue and they don't care enough to fix it.

    If you're thinking about giving Parallels any money - DON'T! If you've already bought and use Parallels, make sure you:
    1. Commit your changes often.
    2. Use TimeMachine to avoid rebuilding your VMs from scratch.
    3. Consider other solutions than Parallels. Give your money to a company that cares about quality.
  16. LenaC

    LenaC Bit poster

    Add mine to the list as well! Years biggest deadline coming up in 10 days, and today, Paralells can't find the .pvm file. And the virtual drive has gone from 80GB to 2GB. Software is still there, but no Windows, and no Paralells catalogue under Documents. This is a major disaster, and will cost me a ton of money. Besides losing clients. How can this happen..? I've done nothing, but turn off the computer at night, and turn it back on in the morning. Nada. Windows is gone!
  17. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    @LenaC do you have any back up copy, or maybe your vm has been moved to trash by mistake?
  18. ptd-mac

    ptd-mac Bit poster

    Here too something happened that I did not foresee. I use XP for a number of typical applications. This also includes an old autocad version, and specific tools for programming devices.

    Now use in Parallels not daily and until a few weeks ago it never gave problems and I was a satisfied user.
    I had to change something in a drawing and strangely enough I got a message that my virtual machine was not found.
    Extremely frustrating, because all programs are also unusable because of this.

    Strangely enough, a few days later (or a week) I had no problem, it worked as before.
    Now again the same problem, I paid for Parallels and until some time ago it turned out to be a great choice.
    How can it be different?

    Moreover, I am worried about the programs that I use under XP, I am afraid that I will have to reinstall everything later on and that I will also have lost all of this?
  19. ptd-mac

    ptd-mac Bit poster

    And again... it failed, now it does not seem to start, still looking at that starting logo, "Parallels Desktop" and that colored beach ball.... Help?!?
  20. ptd-mac

    ptd-mac Bit poster

    And again....

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