Actually, many people have good luck using the official support method: This forum is for technical discussions on the topic of Parallels Desktop for Mac. That's why there's all that stuff at the top of each page of these forms. They let you know what forum you are in and what the theme is for the particular forum you have entered.
Sometimes this forum is attended by Parallels staff, and more recently by the forum moderator, and they offer public advice and solutions. That does not mean this is the primary method to request support. A couple months ago the management stated there would be a larger presence of Parallels staff in these forums and that has happened.
That said - it is a matter of record that a goodly sized body of humanity has not gotten satisfactory results from the support staff using that email address. Not to make excuses, but they were, recently at least, a very small group of people, less than 100, that were doing all the coding, debugging, sales, shipping, help desk, etc.
My guess is they are overwhelmed by the demand. That has a couple of meanings - they are literally overwhelmed - too much work, not enough hours in the day. And more importantly it appears their processes and management are overwhelmed as well - they are repeating mistakes and they are slow to reorganize and respond, or to at least appear to be in control. This is a train on it's way to a wreck and the problems are popping up faster than they are being knocked down.
I think they're going to beat the problem but they're going to have to greatly improve the image not of the product but of the product support. There's only one way to do that and smoke and mirrors don't work. They have to improve the metrics by throwing more people at the problem, publicly.
I know a little bit about Help Desk procedures. If they're using a trouble ticket tool then there are ticket closure notes. These are solutions. They should be reviewing them and they should gather the most common solutions and publish them on the web as a searchable Knowledge Base. This kind of tool puts the most power into the most hands of any method out there, and empowers the end users to participate in their solutions.
This process should begin immediately before the problem grows beyond and into the blogosphere.
Last edited: Jun 14, 2007