Hello, Canonical now has long term support for Ubuntu 20.04. Any idea when Parallels will support it? Thanks, Rajnesh
I have installed 20.04 without any problems, but it doesnt work very well, it is a bitg slow. So I have now Ubuntu 19.10 and it works plenty
Cannot use coherence mode, the menu is greyed out. Reinstall parallels tools doesn't work. 15.1.4 47270
Oh come on Parallels! The most widely used Linux distribution (Ubuntu) has released a new long-term support release (20.04) 2 months ago (April 23rd 2020) and Parallels Desktop still does not support it? This is a shame. At least for Ubuntu and Fedora I expect the Parallels team to test already with the beta releases of those distributions and support them ASAP after their GA release. Honestly I am starting to regret switching from VMware Fusion to Parallels. With VMware you just install the "open-vm-tools" package in the distribution of your choice and most of the time it just works. I wish it would be just as easy to do "dnf install parallels-tools" or "apt install parallels-tools". I will be watching very closely how Parallels handles Linux guest support in the duration of the year-long period where my subscription for Parallels Desktop Pro is active. Maybe I should have payed more attention to the fact that all those positive Youtube reviews for Parallels only showed a Windows guest.
I completely agree with you! Why parallels don't release their driver in the kernel and let the community help with that?!
It looks like basically every Linux distribution that uses a kernel >= 5.5 currently doesn't work with Parallels Tools. We just got lucky with Ubuntu and Ubuntu Flavours because they use a 5.4.x Kernel version.
I am also running an Ubuntu 20.04 LTS install on Parallels (Version 15.1.4 (47270)) and coherence is still greyed out. It is kind of a deal breaker for me since I wanted to use some Linux apps as integrated on my mac
Hallo Parallels? The most widely used Linux desktop distribution (Ubuntu) has released a new version back in April (and it's even a LTS). Beta was available even earlier. And still it is not supported by Parallels Desktop for Mac. This is unacceptable! I will not renew my subscription for Parallels Desktop Pro when it ends. Your Linux support is subpar compared to VMware Fusion or VirtualBox. It looks like the main focus of Parallels is to make Windows in a VM look good on the Mac. And current resources are all busy with the new deal with Apple for the future ARM hardware.
Running 20.04 and Coherence mode grayed out. I tried installing Plasma and turning off all the desktop effects, but that didn't fix the problem.
Upgraded to Parallels 16 which has official support for 20.04 (https://kb.parallels.com/124223), but still coherence is grayed out
Hello, From the Parallels Desktop 15 Linux virtual machine may work in Coherence mode but this view mode is no longer supported. According to the statistics, it's a rarely used feature but rather complicated to support. Instead, we've decided to invest more resources in running Linux in Window mode, Linux 3D acceleration, etc.