This seems to be app dependent on my Mac in VM mode only (not booting directly into Windows from Boot Camp).
I use two enterprise apps under the same Citrix Receiver 4.9x install. I am currently forced to use a very old (now deprecated) version of Citrix Receiver because one of the apps I use (Infinitt) freezes under newer versions of Citrix, regardless of weather I am using a PC or Mac. One app works normally in Parallels (Infinitt, However the main EHR app I use (Epic, runs about 4X slower in Windows 10 as a Parallels VM. Usable in a pinch in Parallels, but I just boot to Windows in the Boot Camp startup if I need to use Epic extensively.
Citrix is definitely a problem in certain environments. Not just Parallels. Although new versions of Citrix should be backward compatible, as I pointed out with Infinitt, it doesn't always work that way in practice. If your apps are compatible, you may wish to try the Citrix Workspace App (the replacement for Receiver; Otherwise Parallels and Citrix will need to get together to try to troubleshoot the problems with slow performance of some apps running under Citrix.
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