Will be possible to run v16 in MacOS Monterey?

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by AirMonk, Jul 2, 2021.

  1. AirMonk

    AirMonk Bit poster

    Hi guys,
    if I buy the v16 Standard edition of Parallels Desktop will it works on the next MacOS Monterey or a v17 will be needed/released?

    KarlN2 likes this.
  2. KarlN2

    KarlN2 Bit poster

    I have posted this question for 2 days already - both on FB and this forum.
    I wanted to take advantage of the discount given but unfortunately - no reply.
    Discount has already lapsed. I am truly disappointed with Parallels.
  3. KarlN2

    KarlN2 Bit poster

    Hey Parallels admin....
    This is a genuine question. I think it is OK to just say what it is. Worse thing you can do is to 'keep quiet'.
    I am very disappointed with this 'no response'.
  4. AirMonk

    AirMonk Bit poster

    Really disappointed!
    The discount is gone and no response .... :(
  5. KarlN2

    KarlN2 Bit poster

    I really feel for those who took up the offer last month......

    Not even 2 months, version 17 is out. No wonder the silence from Parallels.
  6. MJHamilton

    MJHamilton Junior Member

    I am also miffed - v16 only became available for the M1 chipset in April and I purchased an upgrade straight away after being part of the beta program

    after just 4 months it is now obsolete

    not really on at all

    M1 owner should he given some dispensation for the very short lifecycle
  7. tomb18

    tomb18 Bit poster

    Hi! I would know if Parallels Desktop 16.5 is still working in the last update of macOS Monterey. Since now, I decided to not update macOS from Big Sur to Monterey because in the PD site it says that PD 16 isn't compatible with Monterey, so before updating, I would have the certainty that I may use PD 16 running on macOS Monterey. Anyone of the users or the PD team can give me this information? Thank you!

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