Will build 5584 be OK with XP SP3 next week?

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by Mike Boreham, Apr 24, 2008.

  1. acousticbiker

    acousticbiker Junior Member

    OK, I was able to download and extract SP3 to a USB drive. But I can't find the proper file to launch (.exe?) the setup. Any help?
  2. Specimen

    Specimen Product Expert

    Say what? You download an .exe and run it under XP, it will do the extracting an d installing. Unless you are trying to make a slipstreamed XP CD with SP3, in that case google for nLite.
  3. acousticbiker

    acousticbiker Junior Member

    Not sure if you're commenting on my reply, but if you are:

    I don't really understand what you are asking, but what I've done is downloaded what I thought was the SP3 .exe from the following link:


    I tried initially downloading directly to my VM, but got an error saying that extraction could not proceed because a large enough volume could not be found. So then I tried downloading/extracting to a USB drive, which worked. But then I could not find the actual .exe file to launch the SP3 install process.

    Hope this makes things a bit more clear.
  4. ruel

    ruel Member

    if you have nothing else or very little on that USB drive, then you should find it easily. look for the windows file and run it. it should say windowsxp in the filename with .exe at the end of the filename. maximize your explorer window and change the VIEW of the files to DETAILS if you can't see the whole filename where if you only see icons with the filenames cut off with ...
    if you are a windows newbie and you don't understand windows, you should go on google.com and look for a tutorial on how to use: Windows Explorer as to how to look at files and directories.

    edit: if you have a default installation of XP SP2 , you may not see the .exe at the end of the filename, but you should see windowsxp at the start of the filename and if you have no other file on the USB drive that says that, then you should find it.
    Last edited: May 13, 2008
  5. acousticbiker

    acousticbiker Junior Member

    Thanks. I have nothing else on the drive except the 'Self Extracting Cabinet' downloaded from Microsoft. After extracting, I have a folder labeled a bunch of random letters and numbers. Inside that folder, I do not find a readily identifiable '.exe' file....but there are a lot of files in there.
  6. Specimen

    Specimen Product Expert

    "This installation package is intended for IT professionals and developers downloading to a machine intending to debug or develop software on Windows XP Service Pack 3."

    Are you sure this is the build you want??
  7. ruel

    ruel Member

    Specimen: Good catch. I got the other one that was linked on ZDNet and which I think is the same link in an earlier message in this thread.

    AcousticBiker: If manually upgrading to XP SP3 is too confusing to you (since you said you are a "relative 'newbie' to Windows-related stuff") and if XP SP2 is working fine for you, then you don't really have to upgrade to XP SP3 right away. You could wait for Microsoft to push SP3 out in a smaller download in a month or so to your windows via the automatic windows update. If the install doesn't go through at that time, then you can go through the hullaboo that we're doing.
  8. acousticbiker

    acousticbiker Junior Member

    Thanks for everyone's help/input. I am currently running SP2 and am not getting SP3 pushed to me via MS Update...is it not just being pushed if SP2 is detected? Is there a direct MS link to a consumer version of SP3?
  9. ruel

    ruel Member

    as previously mentioned, it'll be in a month or so when it gets pushed out via automatic updates. as far as i know, that's the common news that i remember reading if you want to wait for it to come out via the windows automatic updates. Microsoft releases this stuff through its different channels in waves.

    you can also go to windowsupdate.microsoft.com and see if it shows up for you there. otherwise, for a newbie, you may be better off waiting for the automatic update and see what happens then.
    Last edited: May 14, 2008
  10. acousticbiker

    acousticbiker Junior Member

    In other forums, many people report having it pushed to them so I was wondering how this all worked. When I go to the website, it doesn't show up for me there. Oh well, I guess I'll wait for the auto-update or if someone is able to come up with a link for download.
  11. Specimen

    Specimen Product Expert

    You'll only get it via Automatic Updates in June, the best way to get it now is via Windows Update site and the process is all automatic.

    If other people are getting it via Automatic Updates maybe it's because they are using a US English version of XP and not a localized one? Or you're using a localized version?
    Last edited: May 14, 2008
  12. ruel

    ruel Member

    for windowsupdate and for the automatic updates (note: they are TWO different update systems - so don't confuse the two), they're in waves for some people/regions at a time, and not for everyone all at once. otherwise, if it's all at once, then it's an avalanche that microsoft would be getting from the whole world at the same time.

    i don't think those people who you are talking about is getting it via automatic updates, but may instead be getting it via windowsupdate (again, automatic update and windowsupdate are TWO different things). there is a patch that some people have used for getting the early versions of SP3 via windowsupdate and which works for the final version of SP3. anticipating your question on that: go search on google and find it yourself if you want to get to the head of the line. it involves tweaking the registry with regedit which is not for the faint of heart.
  13. iwantgizmos

    iwantgizmos Bit poster

    i found two articles for windows users in general either on windows-only computers or mac-parallels computers and wondering if it's better to stick with windows xp sp2.

    Coolest-Gadgets.com: Users experiencing issues with SP3
    Heise Online: Microsoft extends support for Windows XP Service Pack 2
    i'm using windows xp sp3 but after the headaches i've went through i probably would have waited if i were able to go back in time to do it all over again.
  14. Specimen

    Specimen Product Expert

    Before installing XP SP3 users should read the Release notes for Windows XP Service Pack 3 and adjacent documents, it describes possible issues and steps to take before installing the update, to that I should add that there have been issues fundamentally with AMD OEM (HP?) machines, and occasionally Intel based too, but that won't be a problem for Mac users, all issues specific to the platform have been fixed in Boot Camp 2.1 (for Boot Camp installations, of course) and in Parallels 3 build 5600. So install those first before SP3.
    Last edited: May 15, 2008
  15. mrbman7

    mrbman7 Bit poster


    I can also confirm that this fixes the problem. Thanks a lot!

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