if you have nothing else or very little on that USB drive, then you should find it easily. look for the windows file and run it. it should say windowsxp in the filename with .exe at the end of the filename. maximize your explorer window and change the VIEW of the files to DETAILS if you can't see the whole filename where if you only see icons with the filenames cut off with ...
if you are a windows newbie and you don't understand windows, you should go on google.com and look for a tutorial on how to use: Windows Explorer as to how to look at files and directories.
edit: if you have a default installation of XP SP2 , you may not see the .exe at the end of the filename, but you should see windowsxp at the start of the filename and if you have no other file on the USB drive that says that, then you should find it.
Last edited: May 13, 2008