Please follow these steps (which you might have done already, but just ensure whether those were done in the exact sequence described below):
1. Check whether Windows works properly within the boot camp partition natively - restart your Mac, hold down the '
Option' key as soon as you see the Apple logo screen, select the Windows partition in the following screen and boot the computer into the Windows platform.
2. If Windows works fine natively in the boot camp partition, navigate to
Apple Icon ->
System Preferences... ->
Startup Disk and
Finder ->
Go ->
Utilities ->
Disk Utility and check if the boot camp partition appears in these two locations.
3. Remove the existing virtual machine [click on the Parallels Desktop icon in the Mac menu bar on the top (it looks like 2 red lines), select '
Control Center' from the menu that appears, right-click on where the existing virtual machine is shown within the Control Center window, select '
Remove' from the menu that appears and then select '
Move to Trash' in the window that appears], quit Parallels Desktop, launch it back up and
create a new virtual machine.
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