Window instead of Published Application

Discussion in 'Parallels Remote Application Server' started by timteka, Jan 21, 2009.

  1. jurgencachia

    jurgencachia Guest

    make sure the following option is checked

    terminal services configuration>rdp-tcp-properties>environment>"run initial program specifed by user profile and remote desktop connection or terminal services client"
  2. ths-gmbh

    ths-gmbh Guest

    That's it !!!

    The Terminal Server setting was correct, but in the active directory user settings for these users, the option "run initial program" (under environment) was checked, but no program was specified.
    After unchecking this option, terminating the old ts session and relogin, everythink works fine.

    Thank you very much.
  3. zippo

    zippo Pro

    Hi all,

    It use not possible to publish applications from a machine which is not a server. The server must be window 200, 2003 or 2008 Server with terminal services available. Hope this make things clear.
  4. rishishah

    rishishah Guest

    I have the same problem.

    Running 2X SMB on Windows 2008 Member Server.

    An ordinary user logs on from Windows 7 with the latest client and just gets the desktop, but not the application that was assigned to be run seamlessly.

    I ahve looked at the Terminal server properties and this is definately set right with allowing the application to run.

    HAs anybody got an official reply from 2X as yet on this or a way to make this work?
  5. rishishah

    rishishah Guest

    Well i have given my debug server files and client configuration to 2X support but no response as yet.

    Has anybody got this to work Windows 2008 SP2 server with Windows 7 client?
  6. rishishah

    rishishah Guest

    Anybody got this working as yet?

    2x SMB on WIndows 2008 R2 server with WIndows 7 client?

    All i get is a desktop rather than the published application.

    I ahve checked all settings and cannot seems to get past this issue.

    Any help?

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