Thread was moved from "General Discussions > User Solutions and Workarounds" to "Parallels Desktop for Mac > Windows Guest OS Discussion".
Stacey M
I must have missed something... I used to have a full 1400*900 full screen resolution combined with a smaller window in console view. I seemed to have lost this abbility in recent versions. I now have either a console view that expands beyond the limitations of the screen (remaing 1400*900) with a " missing" part of the xp window or I have a smaller console but have a full screen with bad/low resolution.... I have tried all relevant settings in xp desktop and in parrallels preferences.. (at least that is what I think)
how to solve?
Greetings Jan Willem
PS I know the dll is missing but iSight.....
Last edited by a moderator: Sep 18, 2007