Windows 10 black screen

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by PercyM1, Jun 9, 2019.

  1. JohnS64

    JohnS64 Bit poster

    Maria, I've had the problem for months now. There seems to be updates happening in the background but I'm not sure if they're ever fully installed as I can't see, and therefore act upon, any screen prompts. I've tried reverting to a snapshot but that hasn't worked either.
  2. ScottG12

    ScottG12 Bit poster

    Just as a final update: I have been unable to conclusively identify which update caused the problem: it reoccurred sporadically after several different updates. And, given that the revirtualized machine has now taken several 1903 updates with no isssues, I've abandoned the effort. Unfortunately, I need to get revenue-generating work done. I filed a final technical report (323736913) on my current fully updated setup, and now hvae to move on. Sorry that I couldn't be of more assistance.
  3. DerekP2

    DerekP2 Bit poster

    I am having this same issue, has then been resolved? Can't use for a month after paying.
  4. KennethF

    KennethF Member

    I don't know if this is the same problem because I did not think my issue arose from updates . I'm running a 2018 MB Pro 13" with 16gb of ram with V. 15 Pro. I do a lot of document/spreadsheet/pdf work and often have many, many windows open at once in the VM. There will come a time when things begin to slow down to a crawl and before I can do anything the VM goes black. I've figured out work-arounds to save some of the open work and close open programs, but once it goes into this spiral it's basically hopeless and I have to restart the VM, causing all sorts of problems. Sometimes I can get it to display a window, but it is inaccessible to the cursor or keyboard.

    I've always assumed it had something to do with memory usage, because Parallels does tend to spike CPU and memory. I've never noticed whether this happens during updates, and on the chance that it does, I am switching to being asked whether I want to install updates.

    But has anyone else had a similar problem? This has been going on at least since V. 14 and always happens at the absolutely WORST time.
  5. ShreyaM

    ShreyaM Bit poster

    I am getting same problem! Please tell me exact solution.
  6. RichardF8

    RichardF8 Bit poster

    This thread needs to be pinned. I just wasted over an hour trying to get Windows 10 to start and all I needed to do was Actions > Reset? What exactly does this operation do? Why doesn't Parallels offer this when it sees that Windows is not booting in the first place?
  7. Dean8

    Dean8 Bit poster

    Has there been a solution supplied for this issue. I am experiencing the same issue. Black screen after restart once auto updates have been applied in Windows 10. Happened on 01/25/2020. I really need to work in my VM.
  8. Peter11

    Peter11 Bit poster

    I too am having a problem with a black screen after logging in to a Windows 10 VM. Ctrl-Alt-Del will give me the usual options but selecting Task Manager just goes back to the black screen. I have booted into safe mode and turned off all services and start-up programs, as set out in KB124238. No different.
    This is a new VM built from a physical installation using Transporter. When I first logged in, I didn't have the issue - it came after I was asked to install Parallels Tools and restarted.
    Any ideas?
  9. DeanH5

    DeanH5 Bit poster

    I used the reset solution that "RichardF8" did, and it worked! (all I needed to do was Actions > Reset?). I've been without my VM for almost 3 months with no reply from Parallel Support. Not sure if it's fixed but my black screen went away after another update auto applied and I'm working again. Thanks, RichardF8!
  10. SylvainC

    SylvainC Bit poster

    Actions > Reset. Wow, can't thank you guys enough!
  11. George Litterst

    George Litterst Bit poster

    Actions > Reset worked for me just now!
    Maria@Parallels likes this.
  12. Ajith1

    Ajith1 Parallels Support

    We are glad that the issue is resolved. Feel free to reach out to us anytime for support.
  13. MarkBC

    MarkBC Bit poster

    The issue is not resolved. I am running Windows 10 (can't start it to give more details) on Parallels 16 (Version 16.1.1 (49141) on a MacBook Pro (MacOS 10.15.7)
    Whenever I reboot the Windows system, it gets all the way to logging in the sole user account, then the screen goes black.
    I can reboot into Safe Mode, but although I get all the way to a screen that is non-black (I can see the search bar at the bottom and the screen has "Safe Mode" listed in the corners) but attempting to click anywhere on the window gives an error message that the application is not responding, and my only choice is to wait or cancel, but cancel does nothing.

    Since I cannot get into windows I can not try any of the actions suggested in the KB article referenced at the beginning of this thread, like turning off Fast Start (don't know if it is on or not).

    Please continue to find a real solution for this problem.
    Mark Batten-Carew
  14. bikukap

    bikukap Bit poster

    Actions > Reset also worked for me
    Maria@Parallels likes this.
  15. SergeyZ3

    SergeyZ3 Bit poster

    Neither action>reset or disabling quick startup (from kb article) didn't help. The issue appeared 1.5 years ago and still no resolution?
  16. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    Could you collect the tech report once the issue reproduced and post the report's ID here please?
  17. James Rome

    James Rome Hunter

    I have this problem with Parallels 16 and the Windows developer update 20 version 21318. After I log in, I get a black screen. Changing user account does not work. Parallels/Action/Reset does not fix this. I tried it 3 times. Another VM on the same machine (a loaded Mac Pro) is fine. Fixing Windows by reinstalling it fixes the problem, but I lose all my applications!
  18. James Rome

    James Rome Hunter

    Note Start your PC in safe mode in Windows 10 ( Task Manager will not start. Sending Ctrl-shift-Windows B did nothing.
  19. James Rome

    James Rome Hunter

    I can boot into safe mode using power R from the login screen. No desktop, but the tool bar is active. Windows Update says something went wrong. Manually Installing Parallels Tools (from ISO) dies at 15% and says I must reboot.
  20. James Rome

    James Rome Hunter

    I now am in a mode with a desktop (with bottom bar) the alternates with a black screen. BitDefender popped up a scan CD window. but everything is busy.

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