Windows 7 Boot Camp on Parallels 5

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by Krib, Nov 14, 2009.

  1. DanKarlsson

    DanKarlsson Bit poster

    New Parallels solved this problem

    I had this problem, but never got around to installing MacDrive, then I upgraded Parallels Desktop to 5.0.9308, and now it works...
  2. SmokinX

    SmokinX Bit poster

    Just simply adjust to correct partition

    In my case Parallels simply took the wrong partition. By manually editing the partition (adjust Hard disk 1 in configuration) to the right one (second one in my case (using seperate Bootcamp disk in MacPro), and not the first one which is EFI partition) everything works fine.
    No need to install MacDrive.

    Hope this helps.
  3. Jonb_42

    Jonb_42 Bit poster

    Composite but free solution

    Thanks to all of you I found the solution. I'll post it as one piece incase it helps anyone else!

    No, I didn't need macdrive, thankfully. I was trying to avoid the Pandora <> Macdrive thing by doing Parallels on my bootcamp partition anyway... I just needed the latest version of Parallels 5.

    And yes, I did still need to cancel the endless startup repair loop and choose from the advanced options to get to a command prompt where I could type the following:

    bcdedit /set {default} recoveryenabled No described in this forum:

    ...Then Parallels was able to complete its config process and now Windows 7 is happily running.
  4. HellerK

    HellerK Junior Member


    Fine .. I´ll try it this evening on my Imac.

    I´m still waiting since a few days for an answer from Parallels support to solve these problem .. I wanted to download MacDrive this evening to get the VM initial process working ... but I´ll try your solution first - thx.

    Best regards

    EDIT : No chance - I tried it yesterday evening - but no success - VM always starts windows repair - even with the other prompt read on seven forum.
    Even the installation of MacDrive under native Win7 and the changing of RAM being only 1001 MB makes no difference ... it hangs on step 1 of 4 :-(
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2010
  5. jlubea

    jlubea Bit poster

    Yes, this is what you do to make it work.

    For anyone who is still having trouble after doing this, make sure that you have installed the 32 bit version of Windows 7 if you are running the 32 bit version of OS X. Otherwise you will not be able to have parallels boot the machine.

    To disable startup repair:
    bcdedit /set {default} bootstatuspolicy ignoreallfailures
    Since the bootstatuspolicy didn't previously exist in the {default} set of values, do this to re-enable startup repair after you have successfully booted using parallels:
    bcdedit /deletevalue {default} bootstatuspolicy
  6. Sir Michael

    Sir Michael Bit poster


    My problem, where you could see the hdd with disc utility but OSX would not mount it and parallels could not use it, happened im guessing because of Mac Fuse as is a popular theory or when i upgraded from leopard to snow leopard. The bootcamp partition was effected in some way where OSX could no longer read the hard drive not a problem with parallels.

    Here is the fix:
    [Its always a good idea to back up your data before messing around with things like this, even though this should be relatively safe]

    1. Grab your OSX disc and boot your computer while holding the 'c' key, this will boot from the cd drive. (You cant mess with the partition the operating system is on while the operating system is loaded)

    2. Start up disk utility (in the menu at the top, you will have to click a back button to get to it because OSX will want to install itself again).

    3. Click on your hdd and under the first aid tab, click the 'Repair Disk' button and let it do its thing, then when its done click the 'Repair Disk Permissions' button.

    4. Reboot into normal OSX off your hdd and if BOOTCAMP appears as a hard drive on your desktop then your good to go! Parallels should be able to use your bootcamp partition now.

    IF THAT FAILS: (this is exactly what i had to do)
    1. Back up all your data.

    2. Open Disk utility and delete the boot camp partition. (under the partition tab).

    3. Boot off the OSX disk and with disk utility expand your operating system partition by going to the partition tab and dragging the little draggy triangle thingy until it fills up the entire box that represents your hdd's space.

    4. Boot back into OSX and with the bootcamp utility install bootcamp the same way you did in the first place.

    Well... you have a bad hard drive, you need to reinstall OSX... :(
  7. FelixMrdx13

    FelixMrdx13 Bit poster

    Parallels 5 from Boot Camp Partition Windows 7 - SOLUTION

    I don't know why everyone is trying all these elevated patterns of utility to resolve this issue, but the solutions is fairly straight forward in my experience.

    First a little bit of impression:

    Yes when attempting to create a VM from an already installed BootCamp partition the create dialogue fails instructing you to manually mount your boot camp partition not being able to access it in the first place since it's disabled in DiskUtility to begin with.

    This happens if during Windows 7 BootCamp installation you choose to delete BootCamp assistant created partition. This may be the obvious thing to do since you can't use it as your primary partition but need to simple click format first. Once again, do not delete SetupAssistant created BOOTCAMP partition just click format and proceed.

    If you did everything right you will see your BOOTCAMP partition after you've completed installing Windows 7 and boot back into or OSX partition. You can now use it as your VM disk in Parallels, you can also simple delete an existing disk in parallels and add a new one as BOOTCAMP

    Prior to doing this however you should've updated to the latest at the time that you are reading this i am on 10.6.6.

    Ta - TA

    P.S. Who is using FelixMRDX here, it's been my tag forever. Not cool man.

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