Windows cannot access \\Mac\Home\Desktop

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by DavidA4, Nov 22, 2022.

  1. DavidA4

    DavidA4 Hunter

    Everything was working fine with my Windows 7 setup until a Parallels update screwed up everything. After parallels updated itself (from the macOS side) I started my Windows 7 VM and then Parallels then began installing something within the Windows 7 environment (I think it's called Tools - it usually happens just after a Parallels update). Then I get this warning from Windows 7 saying that it cannot verify the software that Parallels/Tools was installing. I think I clicked "Ignore" (not sure). Then, the Windows Desktop was blank (usually the Win7 desktop is the same as my macOS desktop). Now I get this message every time I start Windows 7

    Windows cannot access \\Mac\Home\Desktop

    I don't know what to do. Does Parallels have any support?

    Attached Files:

  2. thomas pingel

    thomas pingel Junior Member

    I just encountered the exact same issue. Also do not know what to do. Need help from Parallels support as well.
  3. thomas pingel

    thomas pingel Junior Member

    Been 'chatting' with Parallels support. The first release of 18 had this problem. Installed 18.1 and support was able to restore my win7. Don't think I could have done it without them.
  4. DavidA4

    DavidA4 Hunter

    So, just installing 18.1 fixed your Windows 7 problem? I contacted support yesterday and they told me to downgrade to 17. I haven't done this over concern that I'd break my Windows 10 and Ubuntu VMs.
  5. DavidA4

    DavidA4 Hunter

    Just now I've upgraded from Parallels Desktop 18.02 to 18.03 (never saw a Parallels 18.1) and this fixed nothing. My Windows 7 cannot access \\Mac\Home\Desktop
  6. DavidA4

    DavidA4 Hunter

    The problem with Windows 7 unable to access \\Mac\Home\Desktop has been resolved by downgrading to Parallels Desktop Version 17.1.5 using the steps outlined below (given to me by Parallels Support through an email). My other VMs work fine with the downgrade. The only alteration to the procedure below was that - when I completed all steps - I went back into System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Privacy > Full Disk Access and unchecked full disk access for Parallels Desktop App.

    Hope this helps

    1. Shut down all your Windows/Ubuntu Virtual Machines
    Click Actions > Select Shut Down.

    2. Enabled full disk access for Parallels Desktop App
    Open System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Privacy > Full Disk Access > Put a checkmark for Parallels Desktop App.

    3. Downgraded Parallels Desktop from 18.0.2 to 17.1.5.
    Quit Parallels Desktop App > Right-click the Parallels Desktop Icon on your Dock > Select Quit Parallels Desktop App.
    Open Finder > Select Applications Folder > Look for Parallels Desktop App > Right-click > Move to Trash
    Open Trash Bin > Look for Parallels Desktop App > Right-click > Delete Immediately.
    Restart macOS Computer.
    Install Parallels Desktop 17.1.5 > Click this link: . > Select version 17 > Click the DMG Automatic Installer > Proceed with the installation.

    4. Manually install Parallels Tools.
    Start/Open your Windows 7 Virtual Machine
    Click (2) red vertical lines on your mac menu bar > Select Devices > Choose CD/DVD > Connect Image > Select Applications Folder > Look for Parallels Desktop App > Contents > Resources > Tools > Choose "prl-tools-win.iso" then click OPEN.
    Inside the Windows 7 > Open File Explorer > This PC > Right-Click DCD/CD Parallels Tools > Select Open in New Windows > Right Click PTAgent > Choose "Run as Administrator". Continue installing Parallels Tools and restart after it is done installing.

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