Windows error on the control panel.

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by ColeS1, May 11, 2023.

  1. ColeS1

    ColeS1 Bit poster

    So I deleted the main windows.pvm file however it no longer lets me stop the program due to an error. I received a message: "No virtual machine configuration file could be found in the location" I was wondering if I could get this one removed from my control center panel and keep the other one intact as it is really annoying and I can use Migration Assistant on Mac because Desktop won't close the app due the error message. Location of the former when I deleted the trash how do I remove it from the control center interface:

    Users/myname/.Trash/Windows 11.pvm/config.pvs".

    Also states this:
    Unable to complete the action for "%1". - No virtual machine configuration file could be found in the location "%2".

    Image 5-11-23 at 9.35 PM.jpeg Image 5-11-23 at 9.35 PM.jpeg

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