Windows will not pop to the front or top on a mouse click in Parallels Desktop 7

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by CristianL, Jul 26, 2012.

  1. reedmj

    reedmj Member

    Is anyone working on this?
  2. GWitek

    GWitek Bit poster

    Well, I never heard jack-doodle from Andrew - or anyone else at Parallels. So that sucks, BUT I HAVE SEMI-GOOD NEWS! I have been running the brand new Mountain Lion update, 10.8.3, all day on my Retina 15", Parallels 8, Windows 8, and the problem has not occurred. Keep your fingers crossed! I will update this post.
  3. GWitek

    GWitek Bit poster

    Well, if this did not fix it completely, it sure made a dent in the problem. I am going on three days of medium use and the problem has not cropped up. I felt so good about it, I installed Mountain Lion on my Mac Pro (previously Lion). I worked all day today and the "active window" problem has not occurred. The Mac Pro is running Parallels 8 and a Windows 7 client and the MacBook Pro is running Parallels 8 with a Windows 8 client. Neither has malfunctioned since the Mountain Lion 10.8.3 update of 03/14 ish. Keep the faith!
  4. reedmj

    reedmj Member

    I just tried this today with PD8 and WinXP... problem seems to still exist unfortunately. Keep us updated on W7 though... I might be forced to use that for my VMs if the problem is truly fixed.
  5. reedmj

    reedmj Member


    This continues to be the only major issue I have with Mountain Lion. Has anyone out there figured out how to fix this issue (different windows guests, parallels config, etc)

    15" Retina MBP, 10.8.4, WinXP guest
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2013
  6. AVchemE

    AVchemE Member

    Same here.

    Also, another odd problem, Access 2013 constantly shifts between Full Screen and Normal Window views while in coherence on the retina display. I don't have the same problem on a thunderbolt or when I shrink the window to a small size. I'm wondering if MS Office can't handle the massive number of pixels without thinking it should maximize (strange analysis, but an equally strange problem).
  7. reedmj

    reedmj Member

    I also have some applications that will kick parallels out of coherence mode into windowed mode randomly, but it's only occasionally and a minor annoyance for what I'm doing so I don't really worry about it too much.

    But the issue with windows not popping to the front... drives me nuts and makes coherence completely unusable. I would hate to have to downgrade to Lion for this one issue, because this is the only complaint in the world I have with Mountain Lion. Unfortunately for me, the issue makes working under coherence impossible.
  8. reedmj

    reedmj Member

    Is anyone from Parallels going to acknowledge this issue? Is anything being done to correct it?
  9. GWitek

    GWitek Bit poster

    I just dropped $49 on Parallels 9 in the hopes this would be corrected. It was not. Based on the limited activity in this thread I am concerned you all got it fixed and I am alone. What is the update on this bug? Have any of you resolved it?
  10. reedmj

    reedmj Member

    nope, I too downloaded the 9 trial to hope it had been fixed. Nobody at Parallels seems to care.
  11. reedmj

    reedmj Member

    I've finally had enough and downgraded to 10.7. I have a developer account with access to 10.9, can anyone confirm if this issue is gone in the Mavericks DPs?
  12. AVchemE

    AVchemE Member

    Has anyone checked to see if this is fixed in Parallels 9?
  13. reedmj

    reedmj Member

    nope, it's not fixed. However, I'm currently testing PD8 with 10.9 DP, and so far so good but it's only been a few hours.
  14. RayPowell

    RayPowell Bit poster

    Running PD8, coherence mode, Win7, and OS10.8.4 and I've had this same problem for a number of versions.
    Think I first saw it under PD4 and XP! Every version I had high hopes it would be fixed.

    There are a host of other problems with coherence mode (but I still use it!).
    i.e. Mouse and keyboard don't necessary follow which has the focus, specially jumping Mac->Win7.
  15. denpashonen

    denpashonen Member

    I'm currently @ Build 8.0.18608 running Win7 and the issue is not resolved.
  16. Markch

    Markch Bit poster

    Another workaround. Go to Parallels Desktop menu, choose Windows and select the virtual machine you are running. It appears to refresh the windows to the proper overlap sequence. I've tried this twice and it works. It would be nice if someone else could confirm this.
  17. JohnNash

    JohnNash Member

    Yup - I can confirm it still doesn't work that great either. It is better however...

  18. Smudge2

    Smudge2 Member

    How does one get the Parallels Desktop menus? If I'm running a VM, the menu options are only for the VM itself (Apple, VM Name, View, Actions, Devices). Choosing the PD application from the dock or the program switcher only offers the VM.

    EDIT: Oh, nevermind. You were talking about PD8 which doesn't show the VM menus but the PD menus.
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2013
  19. Peter Barnes

    Peter Barnes Member

    Has anyone opened a ticket on this? Running P7 on Mac 10.8.5 and my Win 7 Outlook 2010 mail program is hosed. I can't type an email and keep my Outlook program open behind it. It "clicks" through the mail and starts hitting commands on the page behind it. Absolutely frustrating. Please fix this!!
  20. Smudge2

    Smudge2 Member

    I did over a year ago with PD7 after the issue started with the Mountain Lion update. I followed up later when PD8 came out and the issue was not fixed. I guess I'll have to submit another one as the problem still remains with PD9.

    Everyone should submit their own support tickets. The more reports they receive, the more important the problem will become and their support will get around to fixing.

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