Hello, One really annoying thing that is killing me while running Windows XP on Parallels (2.X). I am setup where my "ctrl" and "apple" keys are swapped to function like OSX but in WindowsXP. Only sometimes when I'm editing documents the remapped "ctrl" (aka "Apple key") will stick for 1-extra key press. This does not sound like an issue until you start writing emails where "ctrl"+"enter" = send. Another issue is if the "ctrl"+"a" key combo is pressed because you were moving around the document and beginning to write "a[pple]" but what happens is that you get a completely blank document that says "pple" because the entire doc was selected and replaced with "pple" Very painful and many discussions of negative advertising for Parallels have been made because I have to explain what happened when a poorly formatted email was sent and was unable to be recalled. Please help me fix this or point me to a work around. Current Parallels version I have is build 3212 for version 2.X. Best, Phil
Simply put the Office suit runs faster on XP and is better (e.g. more complete and non-antiquated features) for my work than the OSX office suite. PJ
Are no other listers having this issue? I have a number of partially written emails being send daily because the remapped "ctrl" key is being pressed for 1-extra key press. PJ